Questions/Issues with Trial Version of Axis
Question asked by Jerry Neubauer - 4/18/2016 at 4:09 PM
I am using QB Premier 2014 desktop version. I am interested in this program because my current file is corrupted, and can't be fixed. I am more interested in exporting transactions, than the lists for the moment.
I have started to try to export invoices, but when I send the output to Excel, I only get the first 32 lines of data.
When I try to export other transaction lists to Excel such as Credit Memos, Received Payments, and Bills, I get the same 32 lines of Invoices in Excel. It's not even the transaction type that I started with.
Is this because this is a trial version? If so, it's hard to assess the performance of the program with these limitations. I haven't even gotten an complete Excel transaction file to try to import yet.

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Steve Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi Jerry,
The trial version is only restricted by the number of days you can use before you need to purchase a license.  Can you please check that you have selected the correct filters and that you click on the Get button to reexport using those filters so that the results change.
Steve Batten

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