How to setup sync in TimeSheets app

When you first time you install the Timesheet app you are presented with a choice of ways that you can sync with your accounting software, the following ways are supported:

  • QuickBooks Online
  • MYOB (Live Accounts)
  • Xero
  • QuickBooks Desktop (Windows Only) (using Timer IIF files) see below

If you chose to sync with QuickBooks Online, MYOB or Xero the first 30 days you get a free trial after that you will need to purchase a Sync subscription from the AppStore.  The setup process involves the following steps:

  1. In the initial setup interview Tap the option to subscribe by month or year
  2. Sign into your QuickBooks Online account and select the company file you would like to Sync with.
  3. Authorize the app to securely share data with the Zed Timesheet app
  4. Next the app will begin the initial Sync with QuickBooks Online, you will need to make selections for:
    1. Which Employee or Vendor you would like to enter time for
    2. Select the Income account you would like to use when creating service items in QuickBooks Online
    3. Select the Income and Asset accounts you would like to use when creating inventory items in QuickBooks Online
  5. Finally the lists will be uploaded into Timesheet app and a summary will confirm what has been synced.
  6. You can now start using the app and when you are ready to sync again so that your time and invoices are added to QuickBooks online tap the Sync button.


If you choose to Sync with QuickBooks Desktop (Windows) please follow the steps below to upload your customer, service item lists into the app:

  1. In your QuickBooks company file (Windows, Mac is not supported) ensure that you selected the option to Track Time in the QuickBooks Company Preferences
  2. In QuickBooks select File > Timer > Export lists for Timer and save the file to your desktop.
  3. Send the Timer file to your device, you can do that using either:
    1. A file hosting service like Dropbox
    2. Email the Timer file to your email account in the native Mail app on your iPhone or iPad
  4. On your iPhone or iPad Tap on the attached timer file and select the option to Open In and then Open in Timesheet
  5. The timer file will be loaded into the timesheet app and a message will show that the file has been updated, your customers, service items will be available.
  6. When you are ready to send Time Entries to QuickBooks Desktop tap on the Sync button and follow these instructions.
   Troubleshooting the sync setup
  • Employee Name - This is the name as it appears in QuickBooks ie (Charlie Carp)
  • Company - enter the name of your QuickBooks Company File, in the exported IIF file this will appear under COMPANYNAME (ie Balmain Builders)
  • Time - enter the number that appears under the label COMPANYCREATETIME in the exported IIF file ( ie 1288657375)


QB2011, File -> Utilities ->Export -> Timers List
Tim Gahagan (9/25/2014 at 9:38 PM)