How to setup a connection to Allied Express

In order to connect Zed Axis EDI module to the Allied Express web service you need to create a new trading partner for Allied Express.  Follow these steps:
  1. Make sure the machine you are on has access to the internet and that you are connected to your MYOB or QuickBooks company file
  2. Select the Zed Axis EDI tab and click on the Trading Partner button.
  3. In the Trading Partner Address Book click on Add to create a new Trading Partner
  4. You will need to enter the following information
    1. Trading Partner Name : This is the name that you choose to identify the Allied Express account in Zed Axis
    2. Mail Protocol: Select from the drop down list Allied Express
    3. Allied Express Type: Select Production from the drop down list
    4. Allied Express Account Number: Enter the signature you should obtain from Allied Express when registering for the Track and Trace web service.
    5. Allied Express Account Code: Enter the account number you should obtain from Allied Express.
    6. Allied Express State: Select from the drop down list the State in which you are located
    7. Allied Express Company Name: Enter you business name
    8. Allied Express Company Phone: Enter you contact telephone number
    9. Prefix for Connote Number: Enter the three letter prefix you use on Connote numbers
  5. Click save and exit the screen
  6. Back in the Shipping Manger screen when you click on Save, Axis will connect to the Allied Express Web Service to make bookings