Import inventory adjustment into QuickBooks

Overview of importing inventory adjustments

In QuickBooks desktop an inventory adjustment is used to vary the quantity or value of inventory items held in stock, it can also be used to adjust the location of inventory.  With Zed Axis you can import inventory adjustments from text files or from Excel spreadsheets directly into QuickBooks desktop .  Before importing inventory adjustments please note:
  • Unless you are using QuickBooks Enterprise you must switch to single user mode before importing
  • Make sure the inventory adjustment form is not open in QuickBooks 

You can either do a 

  • Quantity Adjustment which either adds or subtracts, or sets a new quantity (QuantityAdj.NewQuantity) in QuickBooks, or
  • Value Adjustment that sets the new $ value (ValueAdj.NewValue) of the inventory and optionally the new quantity (ValueAdj.NewQuantity), but if you combine both a QuantityAdj and ValueAdj you will get an error.
  • Serial Number adjustments - When importing serial numbers for items and you are using Inventory Site tracking please make sure that the Item and Inventory site have items on hand and are correctly matched also that you set the Account Ref Full Name as Materials Inventory, also check the date that you import it has on hand quantities.  Without setting those QuickBooks will crash.
  • Lot Number adjustment - Make a count adjustment to a specific item lot

Steps to import inventory adjustments

Follow these steps:
  1. Download and install the Zed Axis software on your computer
  2. Open your QuickBooks company file as Administrator and open Zed Axis
  3. Select your text file or spreadsheet which contains the inventory adjustments that you want to import.
  4. Set up the a Mapping of the columns in your inventory adjustment import file to the corresponding fields in QuickBooks, as shown below
  5. Click Import and your inventory adjustments will be directly added to your QuickBooks company file.

Watch a demonstration of how to import inventory adjustments into QuickBooks Desktop

More help?

For more information about importing inventory adjustments into QuickBooks, search the Knowledge Base, watch the movies in the Learning Centre, or raise a ticket with Zed Support.
Inventory Adjustment sample template

Where the fields appear in QuickBooks

Import inventory adjustments

Detailed description of the fields in QuickBooks

QuickBooks fieldFormat Description 
Account RefStr 159 Mandatory The adjustment account that the inventory adjustment will be posted to in QuickBooks 
Txn DateDateThe date of the inventory adjustment
Ref NumberStr 11Mandatory The reference number for the Inventory Adjustment, Axis uses this field to group rows together
Inventory SiteStr 31The inventory site that that adjustment is being made too more here
Customer RefStr 209The customer job that the adjustment is allocated to
Class RefStr 159The class used to categorize the transaction
MemoStr 4095The Memo description used on the transaction
Item Ref Full NameStr 209Mandatory The full name of the inventory item as appears in QuickBooks 
Quantity Adj New QuantityquantSets the new quantity of the item held in stock
Quantity Adj DifferencequantAdjust the quantity of the item held in stock
Quantity Adj Serial NumberStr 4095The serial numbers for the inventory items in the quantity adjustment, multiple numbers separated by commas more here
Quantity Adj Lot NumberStr 40The lot numbers for the inventory items in the quantity adjustment more here
Quantity Adj Inventory Site Location RefStr 31The Bin location of the items being adjusted for quantity, in the format Site:Bin more here
Value Adj New QuantityquantSets the quantity of items held in stock 
Value Adj Quantity DifferencequantAdjusts the quantity of the item held in stock
Value Adj New ValueamtSets the new value of the item held in stock
Value Adj Value DifferenceamtAdjusts the value of the item held in stock
Serial Number Adj Add Serial NumberStr 4095Adds the serial number of the item, more
Serial Number Adj Remove Serial NumberStr 4095Removes the serial numbers of the item
Serial Number Adj Inventory Site LocationStr 159Records the Inventory site the the Serial Adjustment is taking place
Lot Number Adj Lot NumberStr 40Records the lot number of the item held in stock, more
Lot Number Adj Count AdjustmentStr 40Amount to adjust count
Lot Number Adj Inventory Site LocationStr 159Site location that the lot number adjustment is taking place

Troubleshooting Errors

Error: This transaction doesn't support items of this type.
This error occurs when you have specified an Item that is not an Inventory type ie a Service, or Non-inventory, QuickBooks can only adjust inventory quantities of items that are held in stock