Axis can import transaction and list data from the following file formats:
Axis is very flexible and allows mapping fields from any text file to QuickBooks fields, the file must follow some basic rules:
This file has two transactions (1005, 1006) where transaction 1006 has two line items and 1005 has one line item. Note that the customer name repeats along with the matching order number and only the item, quantity, and price changes. It doesnt matter how many fields are in the import file, or whether or not the file has column headers for each field, as Axis allows you to select just the fields you want to use for mapping to QuickBooks. In this example the file has field headers (Order Number, Customer, etc) but if the file doesnt contain field headers, Axis would display default field headers as Field1, Field2, Field3, etc. If using a text file then it must be delimited with either a comma, tab, or pipe. A delimiter shows when one field starts and ends.
Axis includes a sample file for each transaction type so you can try importing each of them into QuickBooks. If you have a question whether or not your file with work with Axis, raise a ticket and send it to support and we will be happy to review it for you at no charge.
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