How to set the Item settings for Axis Online


When using Axis Online to import into QuickBooks Online, it has a feature to create any items that are not matched with a product or service in your QuickBooks Online company file.  

In order to create those unmatched the Items you need to set the type of item you want Axis Online to create as well as the associated Income Account, COGS Account, etc .

To set those please follow these steps:

  1. Open the Axe that you are using to import the data into QuickBooks Online
  2. Go to Step Three and click the button Item Settings that is under the mapping table 
  3. Then select the Type of item that you want to create along with the following details

  • Type of Item - Choose from Inventory, Non-inventory or Service
  • As of Date - The date that the item is created (must be before the date of the transaction you are importing)
  • Tax Code - Tax code to use for the item
  • Income Account - The income general ledger account
  • COGS Account - The Cost of goods sold general ledger account
  • Asset Account - The Asset Account used to record for the inventory held in stock

  1. Finally click save.