How to cancel auto-renew on your subscription


All of our subscriptions are by default auto renewing so you have uninterrupted access to our software. This means on the anniversary of the subscription we will automatically process a renewal for your subscription and on successful payment a license key will automatically be emailed to you.  Saving you the trouble of having to reselect the correct plan and re-enter all your user details, each year.   If you do not want to use the auto-renew feature then you can turn that off.  Follow these steps:

  1. Using the email you used when you first subscribed or have nominated as the account administrator login to the Subscription Management Portal.
  2. Select the Subscriptions menu on the left hand side 
  3. Select the subscription package you would like to disable auto-renew
  4. Click on the Disable link next the option that reads Auto-charge is enabled and then OK