How to import estimates into QuickBooks Online using Axis Online


With Axis Online you can upload estimates in batch into QuickBooks Online.

Demonstration of importing estimates

Steps to import estimates

Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Create button to start a new Axe
  2. Enter the name of the Axe
  3. Step One – Select File Upload and browse to the file that contains the estimates that you want to upload into QuickBooks Online
  4. Step Two – Select the Event as a File upload and when that occurs create an estimate, and then next
  5. Step Three – Mapping the fields on an estimate to the columns in your uploaded file
  6. Step Four – Lets test it and save it

Detailed description of the fields in QuickBooks Online that you can map

QuickBooks Online FieldFormatDescription
Doc NumberStr 21MANDATORY FIELD - Estimate Reference number, duplicate Doc Numbers are accepted in QuickBooks, see also Auto Numbering
Txn DatedateThe date of the estimate, If you leave TxnDate out the mapping, the current date in QuickBooks Online will be used.
Department RefStrName of the department
Private NoteStr 4000User entered, organization-private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default.
Custom Field & Name 1 Custom Field 1 more here
Custom Field & Name 2  Custom Field 2 more  here
Custom Field & Name 3 Custom Field 3 more here  
Txn StatusEnumStatus of the estimate - Accepted, Closed, Pending, Rejected
Line DescriptionStr 4000A descriptive text field for the Item
Line AmountNum 10.5MANDATORY FIELD - The Amount of the line item ie Qty x Unit Price
Line Sales Item Ref MANDATORY FIELD - The name of the item sold (can be service, inventory, non-inventory or bundle type items)
SKU if using the SKU lookup feature
Line Sales Item Class Class for the line item
Line Sales Item Unit PriceDecimalUnit price of the item
Line Sales Item QtyDecimalNumber of items sold
Line Sales Item Tax Code Tax code used for the item
Line Sales Item Service DateDateDate that the service was performed
Line Discount Amount The amount of the discount
Line Discount Percent BasedBooleanTrue if discount is a percent, False if based on amount
Line Discount Percent Percentage by which amount due is discounted for 8.5% use 8.5
Line Discount Account Account used to track discounts
Txn Tax Code Name Reference to the transaction tax code
Customer Fully Qualified Name Full name of the customer or job
Customer MemoChars 1000User entered message appears on the printed estimate
Bill Addr 1.. etc Billing Address lines 1-5, City, State, Postal Code and Country see importing address into QuickBooks for more information
Ship Addr 1.. etc Shipping Address lines 1-5, City, State, Postal Code and Country see importing address into QuickBooks for more information
Ship From Addr1...etc
Ship From Address lines 1-5, City, State, Postal Code and Country
Class Ref Reference to the class at the header
Sales Terms Reference to the terms for the sale
Global Tax Calculation Method to which tax is applied - TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive or NotApplicable
Ship Method Method of shipment used
Ship DateDateDate the transaction was shipped
Currency Ref
Reference to the currency (ie USDAUDGBP) used on the estimate, use only if Multi-currency is enabled, by default it is the Home currency. More here 
Print StatusEnumPrinting status of the invoice - NotSet, NeedToPrint, PrintComplete
Email Status Email status for the invoice - NotSet, NeedToSend, EmailSent, SendNow more here on how to send automatically
Bill Email Email address where the invoice is sent
Expiration Date the estimate must be accepted by before it expires
Accepted By Name of the customer who accepted the estimate
Accepted Date Date the estimate was accepted