Doc Number | Str 21 | MANDATORY FIELD - Expense reference number, duplicate DocNumbers are accepted in QuickBooks, see also Auto Numbering |
Txn Date | date | The date of the expense, If you leave TxnDate out the mapping, the current date in QuickBooks Online will be used. |
Private Note | Str 4000 | User entered, organization-private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. Maps to memo field on expense |
Payment Method Ref | Str | The payment method used for the expense |
Department Ref | Str | The name of the department or location, must match the full name location list held in QuickBooks Online |
Currency Ref | Currency type | The name of the currency used on the expense, ie USD, CAD, EUR, AUD, GBP - default is the home currency, only if Multicurrency is on. More here |
Exchange Rate | Decimal | The number of home currency units equal to one unit of the Currency specified. More here |
Line Description | Str 4000 | Description for the item purchased |
Line Amount | Num 10.5 | MANDATORY FIELD (if Item purchase) - The Amount of the line item ie Qty x Unit Price |
Line Item Ref | Str | MANDATORY FIELD (if Item purchase)Full Name of the item purchased |
Line Class Ref | Str | Full Class Name associated with the item purchased |
Line Item Qty | Decimal | Number of items purchased |
Line Item Unit Price | Decimal | Price of the item purchased |
Line Item Tax Code | Str | Tax code associated with the item purchased |
Line Customer Ref | Str | Customer associated with the item purchased |
Line Billable Status | Enum | Billable status of the item purchased values Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled |
Line Account Description | Str 4000 | Description for the Expense Account |
Line Account Amount | Num 10.5 | MANDATORY FIELD (if Account purchase) - The Amount of the expense purchase |
Line Account Customer | Str | Customer associated with the expense |
Line Account Class | Str | Class for the expense |
Line Account Ref | Str | MANDATORY FIELD (if Account purchase) Expense account (should be the full name not including the number and should match what is in QuickBooks Online) |
Line Account Billable Status | Enum | Billable status of the expense values Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled |
Line Account Tax Code Ref | Str | Tax Code associated with the purchase |
Account Ref | | The bank account the expense purchase is made from |
Entity Type | Enum | MANDATORY FIELD - Type of Payee (values Customer, Vendor or Employee) |
Entity Ref | Str | MANDATORY FIELD - Full name of the payee (Vendor, Employee etc..) |
Print Status | Enum | Whether you need to print or not (value NeedToPrint) |
Payment Type | Enum | What type of payment. Accepted value are: Check, Cash or CreditCard. |
Global Tax Calculation | | Method to which tax is applied - TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive or NotApplicable only applicable for Non-US company files |