Header |
Doc Number | Str 21 | MANDATORY FIELD - Deposit Reference number, duplicate Doc Numbers are accepted in QuickBooks, see also Auto Numbering |
Txn Date | date | The date of the deposit, If you leave Txn Date out the mapping, the current date in QuickBooks Online will be used. |
Department Ref Name | Str | Name of the department |
Currency Ref Name | Str | Reference to the currency to be used for the Deposit, (only multi currency files) if blank assumed as Home Currency |
PrivateNote | Str 4000 | User entered, organization-private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. |
Txn Status | Enum | Status of the transaction (possible values are Draft, Overdue, Pending, Payable, Paid, Trash and Unpaid) |
Custom Field Name 1 | | Field name for the custom field at header level (see importing custom fields) |
Custom Field Value 1 | | Field value for the custom field at header level (see importing custom fields) |
Custom Field Name 2 | | Field name for the custom field at header level (see importing custom fields) |
Custom Field Value 2 | | Field value for the custom field at header level (see importing custom fields) |
Custom Field Name 3 | | Field name for the custom field at header level (see importing custom fields) |
Custom Field Value 3 | | Field value for the custom field at header level (see importing custom fields) |
Deposit To Account Ref Name
| Mandatory Account to be used to deposit the funds into
Table |
Line Description | Str 4000 | Description of the line item |
Line Amount | Num 10.5 | MANDATORY FIELD - The Amount of the line item |
Linked Txn Doc Number | Str | Transaction the deposit is linked to |
Linked txn Txn Type | Enum | Type of transaction the deposit is linked to ie Invoice, SalesReceipt |
Deposit Line Entity Name | Str | The Customer or job associated with the deposit |
Deposit Line Entity Type | | Typically Customer |
Deposit Line Class Ref Name | Str | The class to be associated with the line of the deposit |
Deposit Line Account Ref Name | Str | The account from with the deposit is allocated to ie typically and Income type account |
Deposit Line Payment Method Ref Name | Str | The payment method used for the deposit (ie Cash, Check, Credit Card) |
Deposit Line Check Num | Str | Reference number for the deposit line |
Deposit Line Txn Type | Enum | Type of the payment transaction |
Deposit Line Tax Code Ref | Str | Non-US versions only Sales/Purchase tax code associated with the Line |
Deposit Line Tax Applicable On | Enum | Required is Tax Code specified - indicates if tax is on sale or purchase. Valid values Sales or Purchase |
Line Custom Field Name 1 | | Field name for the custom field at Line level (see importing custom fields) |
Line Custom Fields Value 1 | | Field value for the custom field at Line level (see importing custom fields) |
Line Custom Field Name 2 | | Field name for the custom field at Line level (see importing custom fields) |
Line Custom Fields Value 2 | | Field value for the custom field at Line level (see importing custom fields) |
Line Custom Field Name 3 | | Field name for the custom field at Line level (see importing custom fields) |
Line Custom Fields Value 3 | | Field value for the custom field at Line level (see importing custom fields) |
Footer | |
Txn Tax Code Ref | | |
Cash Back Account Ref | Str | The asset account for the cash back transaction |
Cash Back Amount | | Amount of the cash back |
Cash Back Memo | | Memo for the cash back |
Txn Source | | |
Total Amt | | Total amount of the deposit, calculated by QuickBooks |
Exchange Rate | | Total amount of the deposit, calculated by QuickBooks |
Global Tax Calculation | enum | Non-US version only - Whether the Amounts are excluding TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive and NotApplicable |