How to import deposits into QuickBooks Online using Axis Online


Deposits in QuickBooks Online can be recorded in two different ways

  1. As a direct deposit made by a customer for goods or services provided; or
  2. As a linked deposit that pays an existing transaction in your QuickBooks Online company file

With Axis Online you can import deposits as either of those two ways.  Follow these instructions below to do that

Steps to import deposits

  1. Click on the Create button to start a new Axe and enter the name of the Axe
  2. Step One – Select File Upload and browse to the file that contains the deposits that you want to upload into QuickBooks Online
  3. Step Two – Select the Event as a File upload and when that occurs create an deposit, and then next
  4. Step Three – Mapping the fields on an Deposit to the columns in your uploaded file
  5. Step Four – Lets test it and save it

Demonstration of how to upload deposits

Detailed description of the fields you can import

QuickBooks Online FieldFormatDescription

Doc NumberStr 21MANDATORY FIELD - Deposit Reference number, duplicate Doc Numbers are accepted in QuickBooks, see also Auto Numbering
Txn DatedateThe date of the deposit, If you leave Txn Date out the mapping, the current date in QuickBooks Online will be used.
Department Ref NameStrName of the department
Currency Ref NameStrReference to the currency to be used for the Deposit, (only multi currency files) if blank assumed as Home Currency
PrivateNoteStr 4000User entered, organization-private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default.
Txn StatusEnumStatus of the transaction (possible values are Draft, Overdue, Pending, Payable, Paid, Trash and Unpaid)
Custom Field Name 1 Field name for the custom field at header level (see importing custom fields)
Custom Field Value 1 Field value for the custom field at header level (see importing custom fields)
Custom Field Name 2 Field name for the custom field at header level (see importing custom fields)
Custom Field Value 2 Field value for the custom field at header level (see importing custom fields)
Custom Field Name 3 Field name for the custom field at header level (see importing custom fields)
Custom Field Value 3 Field value for the custom field at header level (see importing custom fields)
Deposit To Account Ref Name

Mandatory Account to be used to deposit the funds into

Line DescriptionStr 4000Description of the line item
Line AmountNum 10.5MANDATORY FIELD - The Amount of the line item
Linked Txn Doc NumberStrTransaction the deposit is linked to
Linked txn Txn TypeEnumType of transaction the deposit is linked to ie Invoice, SalesReceipt
Deposit Line Entity NameStrThe Customer or job associated with the deposit
Deposit Line Entity Type Typically Customer
Deposit Line Class Ref NameStrThe class to be associated with the line of the deposit
Deposit Line Account Ref NameStrThe account from with the deposit is allocated to ie typically and Income type account
Deposit Line Payment Method Ref NameStrThe payment method used for the deposit (ie Cash, Check, Credit Card)
Deposit Line Check NumStrReference number for the deposit line
Deposit Line Txn TypeEnumType of the payment transaction
Deposit Line Tax Code RefStrNon-US versions only Sales/Purchase tax code associated with the Line
Deposit Line Tax Applicable OnEnumRequired is Tax Code specified - indicates if tax is on sale or purchase. Valid values Sales or Purchase
Line Custom Field Name 1 Field name for the custom field at Line level (see importing custom fields)
Line Custom Fields Value 1 Field value for the custom field at Line level (see importing custom fields)
Line Custom Field Name 2 Field name for the custom field at Line level (see importing custom fields)
Line Custom Fields Value 2 Field value for the custom field at Line level (see importing custom fields)
Line Custom Field Name 3 Field name for the custom field at Line level (see importing custom fields)
Line Custom Fields Value 3 Field value for the custom field at Line level (see importing custom fields)
Txn Tax Code Ref  
Cash Back Account RefStrThe asset account for the cash back transaction
Cash Back Amount Amount of the cash back
Cash Back Memo Memo for the cash back
Txn Source  
Total Amt Total amount of the deposit, calculated by QuickBooks
Exchange Rate Total amount of the deposit, calculated by QuickBooks
Global Tax CalculationenumNon-US version only - Whether the Amounts are excluding TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive and NotApplicable