Doc Number | Str 21 | MANDATORY FIELD - Journal Entry Reference number, duplicate Doc Numbers are accepted in QuickBooks, see also Auto Numbering |
Txn Date | date | The date of the journal entry, If you leave TxnDate out the mapping, the current date in QuickBooks Online will be used. |
Adjustment | Boolean | Indicates if the journal is an adjustment value true or false
Currency Ref | Str 3 | Currency to be used on the journal entry (use only if Multi currency enabled in the company file), use 3 letter code for currency ie USD, CAD, GBP, AUD, EUR
Exchance Rate | Dec | The number of home currency units it takes to equal one unit of currency specified in Currency Ref (use only if multi currency enabled in the company file)
Line Description | Str 4000 | Description for the journal line |
Line Billable Status | enum | The billable status of the journal entry, values Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled |
Line Entity Type | enum | The type of Entity that the line is set to ie Customer, Vendor or Employee must be mapped if you are mapping Line Entity |
Line Entity | | Name of a customer, vendor or employee associated to the journal entry, when posting to the Account Receivable account you must have a Customer, and when posting to the Accounts Payable account you must have a Vendor name |
Line Account | | MANDATORY FIELD General ledger account name (or journal number) the journal line is posted to. nb. Use Full Account Name as appears in QB |
Line Class | | Class associated to the journal entry line |
Line Department | | Department associated to the journal entry line |
Line Tax Code | str | Tax Code to be used on this journal line (IN, UK, AU editions only) |
Line Tax Applicable On | enum | Whether the tax is on a sale or purchase, Possible values Sales or Purchase .Required if Line Tax Code mapped (IN, UK, AU editions only) |
Line Tax Amount | D | Tax Amount of the line .Required if Line Tax Code mapped (IN, UK, AU editions only) |
Debit | 10.5 format | MANDATORY FIELD The debit line amount |
Credit | 10.5 format | MANDATORY FIELD The credit line amount |
Private Note
| Str 4000 | User entered, organization-private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default.