DocNumber | Str 21 | MANDATORY FIELD - Invoice Reference number, duplicate DocNumbers are accepted in QuickBooks, see also Auto Numbering |
Custom Field Name (1..3) | Str | The name or label for the custom field, more here |
Custom Field Value (1..3) | Str | The value for the custom field, more here |
Txn Date | date | The date of the invoice, If you leave TxnDate out the mapping, the current date in QuickBooks Online will be used. |
Department Name | Str | Name of the department |
Private Note | Str 4000 | User entered, organization-private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. |
Customer Ref Display Name
| Full name of the customer or job
Customer Memo
| Chars 1000
| User entered message appears on the printed invoice
Line Description | Str 4000 | A descriptive text field for the Item |
Line Amount | Num 10.5 | MANDATORY FIELD - The Amount of the line item ie Qty x Unit Price |
Line Sales Item Ref | | MANDATORY FIELD - The name of the item sold (can be service, inventory, non-inventory or bundle type items) |
SKU | | The SKU identifier of the item sold, used as an alternative see SKU Lookup |
Line Sales Item Class | | Class for the line item |
Line Sales Item Unit Price | Decimal | Unit price of the item |
Line Sales Item Qty | Decimal | Number of items sold |
Line Sales Item TaxCode | | Tax code used for the item (for US versions should be with TAX or NON) more here on importing Tax |
Line Sales Item ServiceDate | Date | Date that the service was performed |
Line Discount Amount | | The amount of the discount |
Line Discount Percent Based | Boolean | True if discount is a percent, False if based on amount |
Line Discount Percent | | Percentage by which amount due is discounted for 8.5% use 8.5 |
Line Discount Account | | Account used to track discounts |
Txn Tax Code Name | | Reference to the transaction tax code |
Tax Percent Based | | True - sale tax as a percentage, False - sales tax as an amount |
Tax Percent | | Percentage of the tax line ie 8.5% use 8.5 |
| |
Bill Addr1.. etc | | Billing Address lines 1-5, City, State, Postal Code and Country see importing address into QuickBooks for more information |
Ship Addr1.. etc | | Shipping Address lines 1-5, City, State, Postal Code and Country see importing address into QuickBooks for more information |
Sales Terms | | Reference to the terms for the sale |
Due Date | | Date payment is due if not provided defaults to Sales Terms date |
Allow Online ACH Payment | Bool | Specifies if this invoice can be paid with online bank transfer (Free bank transfer) (values: true or false) |
Allow Online Credit Card Payment | Bool | Specifies if this invoice can be paid with online credit card payments (cards) (value: true or false) |
Global Tax Calculation | | Method to which tax is applied (only Non-US editions) - TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive or NotApplicable more about Non-US editions and tax |
Ship Method | | Method of shipment used |
Ship Date | Date | Date the transaction was shipped |
Tracking Num | Str | Shipping providers tracking number |
Apply Tax After Discount | Enum | Whether to calculate sales tax before or after discount (values true or false) |
Currency Ref | Str | Reference to the currency (ie USD, AUD, GBP) used on the invoice, use only if Multi-currency is enabled, by default it is the Home currency. More here |
ExchangeRate | Str | The currency exchange rate to be used on the transaction if specifying a Currency other than the Home Currency, set as number of currency units equal to one home currency unit. |
Print Status | Enum | Printing status of the invoice - NotSet, NeedToPrint, PrintComplete |
Email Status | | Email status for the invoice - NotSet, NeedToSend, EmailSent, SendNow more here on how to send automatically |
Bill Email | | Email address where the invoice is sent |
Bill Email Cc | | CC Email address where the invoice is sent |
Bill Email Bcc | | BCC Email address where the invoice is sent |
Shipping | | Amount charged for shipping appears on footer of invoice |
Shipping Tax Code | | Tax code to be applied to the shipping charge |
Deposit To Account | | Bank account where the payment money is deposited, if not specified defaults to Undeposited Funds |
Deposit | | Amount deposited |
Allow IPN Payment | bool | Set whether the invoice can be paid using the Intuit Payment Network, values true or false (this field has been deprecated) |