Title | str 10 | Title of the employee |
First Name | str 35 | First name of the employee
Middle Name | str 35 | Middle name of the employee
Last Name | str 35 | Last name of the employee
Status | enum | Status for the employee either ACTIVE or TERMINATED |
Job Title | str 100 | Job Title for the employee |
Email | str 100 | Employees email address |
Date of Birth | date | Date of birth for the employee (YYYY-MM-DD) |
Gender | enum | The employees gender (M or F) |
Address Line 1 | str | Employees address line 1 |
Address Line 2 | str | Employees address line 2 |
City | str | Suburb |
Region | str | State abbreviation (ie NSW, NT, SA etc...) |
Postal Code | str | Post code |
Country | str | Country |
Phone | str 50 | Phone number for the employee |
Start Date | date | Start date for the employee (YYYY-MM-DD) |
Payroll Calendar | str 100 | Name of the Payroll Calendar |
Mobile | str 50 | Mobile number for the employee |
Classification | str 100 | Award classification for the employee |
Twitter User Name | str 50 | Twitter name for the employee |
Is Authorised To Approve Leave | bool | Whether authorised to approve leave (true or false) |
Is Authorised To Approve Timesheets | bool | Whether authorised to approve timesheets (true or false) |
Employee Group Name | str | Group name for the employee |
Bank Account Statement Text | str 18 | The text that will appear on your employee's bank statement
Back Account Name | str 32 | The name of the account |
Bank Account BSB | str 6 | The BSB number of the account |
Bank Account Account Number | str 9 | The account number |
Bank Account Remainder | str | If this account is the Remaining bank account |
Back Account Amount | amt | Fixed amounts (for example, if an employee wants to have $100 of their salary transferred to one account, and the remaining amount to another) |
Earnings Rate | str | Earnings rate |
Earnings Amount | str |
Earnings Annual Salary | amt | Annual Salary of employee |
Earnings Calculation Type | enum | Earnings rate calculation type (USEEARNINGSRATE or ENTEREARNINGSRATE o r ANNUALSALARY) |
Earnings Fixed Amount | str |
Earnings Normal Number of Units |
Earnings Number of Units |
Earnings Rate per Unit |
| Rate per unit of the Earnings Line |
Superannuation Amount |
Superannuation Calculation Type |
Superannuation Contribution Type |
Superannuation Expense Account |
Superannuation Liability Account |
Superannuation Minimum Monthly Earnings |
Superannuation Percentage |