How to import Employees into Xero


You can import a list of employees from a text or Excel into Xero using Zed Axis

Steps to import employees into Xero

Follow these steps:
  1. Open Zed Axis and in the connections tab, select the option to connect to Xero
  2. In the import tab click Browse and select the text or Excel file that contains the list of employees you need to import
  3. Create a mapping between the columns in your import file and the corresponding fields in Xero
  4. Click Import and the employees will be directly added to your Xero company file

More help?

Download a sample employee list template

Where the fields appear in Xero

Detailed description of the fields

Xero Field TypeDescription 
 Title str 10  Title of the employee
 First Name str 35 First name of the employee
 Middle Name str 35 Middle name of the employee
 Last Name str 35 Last name of the employee
 Status enum Status for the employee either ACTIVE or TERMINATED
 Job Title str 100 Job Title for the employee
 Email str 100 Employees email address
 Date of Birth date Date of birth for the employee (YYYY-MM-DD)
 Gender enum The employees gender (M or F)
 Address Line 1 str Employees address line 1  
 Address Line 2 str Employees address line 2
 City str Suburb
 Region str State abbreviation (ie NSW, NT, SA etc...)
 Postal Code str Post code
 Country str Country 
 Phone str 50 Phone number for the employee
 Start Date date Start date for the employee (YYYY-MM-DD)
 Payroll Calendar str 100 Name of the Payroll Calendar
 Mobile str 50 Mobile number for the employee
 Classification str 100 Award classification for the employee
 Twitter User Name str 50  Twitter name for the employee 
 Is Authorised To Approve Leave bool Whether authorised to approve leave (true or false)
 Is Authorised To Approve Timesheets bool Whether authorised to approve timesheets (true or false)
 Employee Group Name str Group name for the employee
 Bank Account Statement Text str 18The text that will appear on your employee's bank statement
 Back Account Name str 32 The name of the account 
 Bank Account BSB str 6 The BSB number of the account
 Bank Account Account Number str 9 The account number
 Bank Account Remainder str  If this account is the Remaining bank account
 Back Account Amount amt Fixed amounts (for example, if an employee wants to have $100 of their salary transferred to one account, and the remaining amount to another)
 Earnings Rate str Earnings rate
 Earnings Amount str
 Earnings Annual Salary amt Annual Salary of employee
 Earnings Calculation Type enum Earnings rate calculation type (USEEARNINGSRATE or ENTEREARNINGSRATE o r ANNUALSALARY)
 Earnings Fixed Amount str
 Earnings Normal Number of Units

 Earnings Number of Units

 Earnings Rate per Unit
 Rate per unit of the Earnings Line
 Superannuation Amount

 Superannuation Calculation Type

 Superannuation Contribution Type

 Superannuation Expense Account

 Superannuation Liability Account

 Superannuation Minimum Monthly Earnings

 Superannuation Percentage

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