How to upload attachments in batch to QuickBooks Online

Overview of uploading attachments

In QuickBooks Online you can attach documents (spreadsheets, pdfs, images, etc..) to customers, items, invoices and bills, so you can keep track of additional paperwork.  With Zed Axis is it possible to upload attachments in batch to QuickBooks Online.  Before starting you need to have a file that contains the full path and file name for the attachment that you want to upload along with the name or reference number for the name or transaction you want to attach to, similar to the example below.

Note: If you are uploading multiple attachments to the same list or transaction type in series then you will need to select the option to Append.

Note: If you dont have a transaction or list item to attach to you can still upload the attachments to QuickBooks Online and they will be unassigned, so you can assign them later.

Note: When transferring attachments from QuickBooks desktop to QuickBooks Online some transaction types have difference names so for example a Check in QuickBooks Desktop is referred to as a Purchase in QuickBooks Online this is important when mapping the Entity Name field.

File PathNoteEntity TypeDoc NumberFull Name
C:\Users\Public\Documents\MyAttachment1.pdfPicture of the red widgetInvoice1001
C:\Users\Public\Documents\MyAttachment2.jpgPicture of the green widgetBill38789
Customer contractCustomer
Item product shotItem
Red Widgit

Attachment size must not exceed 25 mb and must be a standard file type like (doc, docx, csv, gif, jpeg, jpg, ods, pdf, png, rtf, tif, txt, xls, xlsx)

If you looking for a way to migrate attachments from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online then you can read more on how to do that here

Demonstration of uploading attachments in batch

Steps to upload attachments

Follow these steps:

  1. Open Zed Axis and connect to your QuickBooks Online
  2. Browse to the file that contains the list of attachments and transactions or list items that you want to batch upload into QuickBooks Online
  3. Create a mapping in Zed Axis for the columns in your import file to the corresponding fields in QuickBooks Online
  4. Click Import and Zed Axis will batch upload the attachments into QuickBooks Online.

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Where the fields appear in QuickBooks Online

Attachment to an QBO ItemItem attachment
QuickBooks Online AttachmentInvoice attachment

Detailed Description of the fields

QuickBooks Online fieldTypeDescription
File PathStr 1000Mandatory. The file path and file name of the attachment that will be uploaded to QuickBooks Online (for example C:\Users\Public\Documents\MyAttachment.pdf )
Attachment NoteStr 2000Note for the attachment or can be a standalone note for the transaction or list entity
Entity TypeEnumThe type of transaction or list that the attachment is to be attached to (possible values Invoice, SalesReceipt, Purchase, Bill, JournalEntry, Item, Customer, Vendor, BillPayment, Payment etc ) Note Deposit is not supported as it does not have a Doc Number.
Doc NumberStrThe Doc Number of the transaction that the attachment is to be attached to (not applicable if attaching to an Item or Customer)
Full NameStr The Fully Qualified Name of the Customer or Item that the attachment is to be attached to (not applicable if attaching to a transaction)
Include On SendBoolWhen importing an attachment for a transaction this indicates whether the attachment is included on the email when the Save and Send button is clicked. (possible values true or false)