How to merge lists in QuickBooks desktop

Overview of batch merging lists in QuickBooks desktop

With Zed Axis you can merge Customers,Vendors, Classes, Items, Accounts in QuickBooks desktop - this uses the same feature that is available in QuickBooks desktop to merge list items together. During the merge QuickBooks will also consolidate any historical transactions associated to the merged records making a very useful way to eradicate duplication from your company file. The advantage of doing this in Zed Axis is that is possible to merge large batches at one time.  Your merge data will be laid out as shown below:

What can and cant be merged?

There are restrictions to what records that can be merged and these are restriction imposed by QuickBooks.  Please consider the following conditions:
  • You can only merge records that are of the same List Type ie Customer to Customers, and ItemInventory to ItemInventory.
  • You cannot merge list if an accountant copy of the company file exists.
  • When merging Accounts the Accounts must be of the same Account Type ie Expense etc...
  • Accounts must be the same hierarchical level within the chart of accounts
  • When merging Customers only one of the customers can have child elements or Sub-Customer
  • If merging Customers you will have to set True or False for the field Same Ship Addr OK
It is not possible to reverse a merged record so we recommend that you take regular backups of your QuickBooks company file prior to merging records, and switch to single user mode.

Steps to import merge lists into QuickBooks

Follow these steps to batch merge:
  1. Connect Axis to your QuickBooks company file
  2. Browse to the file that contains the list of names, or records that you would like to merge together.
  3. Create a new mapping for a List Merge type, mapping the fields as described in the table below
  4. Click the import button and Axis will import and merge records

What fields can be mapped when merging

QuickBooks FieldTypeDescription
List Merge Typeenumerated listThe type of list item that you wish to merge must be one of the following:
Account, Class, Customer, ItemDiscount, ItemGroup, ItemInventory, ItemNonInventory, ItemOtherCharge, ItemPayment, ItemSalesTax, ItemSalesTaxGroup, ItemService, ItemSubTotal, Vendor.
Merge FromTextThe Full Name of the name or item that you wish to be merged into another name or item mentioned at Merge To
Merge ToTextThe Full Name of the name or item that you are merging into
Same Ship Addr OKTrue or FalseIf true then the merge will go through even if the names have the same default ShipTo address

Troubleshooting error messages

Error: Merge not allowed from object...
Check the list of conditions outline above about what can be and what cant be merged to see what QuickBooks permits.


Q. Is it possible to merge an item into it's Parent

A. It is possible but takes a couple steps:

First remove the Parent, you can do that by edtting the Item record
Then merging the two Items together (ie the one which was previously a Sub Item with its Parent)

Steve (7/25/2023 at 12:21 AM)