Error: This feature is not enabled or not available in this version of QuickBooks

Error Message: This feature is not enabled or not available in this version of QuickBooks
Occurs: When importing a transaction or list item into QuickBooks using Zed Axis the import fails with the error message displayed above
Cause: A field has been mapped on the transaction or list item that does not exist or is not enabled in the QuickBooks Company file, when importing that field QuickBooks will reject the import as the field is not active or available.  The types of features or fields that typically this occurs are Currency, Unit of Measure, Class, InventorySite, Serial Number, Lot Number etc...
Resolution: To resolve this error either edit your mapping to unmap the field that is likely to be causing the error save the map and reattempt the import or enable the feature within the QuickBooks Company Preferences
Common features and fields 
  • Multi currency enabled - CurrencyRef or Exchange Rate
  • Class tracking - ClassRef
Advanced inventory features (QuickBooks Enterprise Only)
  • Units of Measure - UOM
  • Location Tracking - InventorySiteRef (Site) and InventorySiteLocationRef (Bin)
  • Serial Number 
  • Lot Number