Import Alayacare data into QuickBooks

If you use Alayacare - the healthare software platform and are looking to import Payroll and Billing data into QuickBooks then using the Zed Axis import utility and the steps outlined in this article make it possible.  
Before attempting to import we recommend that you consider the following:
  • QuickBooks Online does not support Pay Codes only Pay Rates, this means OT and Holiday Pay via AlayaCare OT Rules are to be ignored, Employee’s assigned Rates are what is used.
  • Premiums are not supported in QuickBooks as Additions, they must be configured in QuickBooks along with regular Pay Items Or manually entered after using the Premiums filter in AlayaCare Payroll Details to provide users with a list of just premiums
The process has been broken into two distinct steps:
Step 1: Export your billing and Payroll data from Alayacare.
To generate invoices.
  1. Login to Alayacare.
  2. From the dashboard menu select Accounting > Billing.
  3. Click on the Aggregate Export and select the Type as QuickBooks and the file format as CSV (comma separated value) and click OK, you can then save the downloaded file to your desktop
To export Payroll data
  1. From the dashboard menu select Accounting > Payroll.
  2. Click on the View/Prepare button next to the Payroll report you want to export.
  3. Select the option to Run Payroll & Export, and then click the Export button
  4. Select the Report Export type as QuickBooks and the Format as CSV (Comma separated value) 
  5. Click Export and Save the downloaded file to a folder on your PC
Step 2: Import billing and payroll data into QuickBooks Desktop and Online
  1. Open Zed Axis on your desktop and select the connections tab and click Connect to QuickBooks
  2. Click on the Import tab and browse to the location you saved file containing the data you exported from Alayacare
  3. The data will open in the preview screen.
  4. If this is the first time importing select the option to Create a new mapping
  5. In the import type select Invoice
  6. Now map the columns in your import file to the corresponding fields in QuickBooks.  We recommend the basic mapping as follows:
  7. Next click Import and your data will be imported directly into QuickBooks
Mapping Billing to Invoices in QuickBooks Desktop
QuickBooks fieldsAlayacare fieldNotes
Customer RefClient Name 
Txn DateDate Created 
Invoice Ref NumberInvoice ID 
Item Ref Full NameService Code 
DescriptionService Code Description 
AmountTotal Cost 
Service DateVisit Date 
Click here for more detailed information about importing invoices into QuickBooks desktop
Mapping Billing to Invoices in QuickBooks Online
QuickBooks fieldsAlayacare fieldNotes
CustomerFullyQualified NameClient Name 
TxnDateDate Created 
Doc NumberInvoice ID 
Line SalesItem RefService Code 
Line DescriptionService Code Description 
Line Sales Item QtyQuantity 
Line AmountTotal Cost 
Line SalesItem Service DateVisit Date    
Global Tax CalculationTaxIncludedSet as constant Non-US QuickBooks Online only
 Click here for more detailed information about importing invoices into QuickBooks Online
Mapping Payroll to Timesheets in QuickBooks Desktop
QuickBooks fieldsAlayacare fieldNotes
Txn DateDate 
Entity NameEmployee Name 
Service ItemService Code 
Payroll ItemPay Code   
Click here for more detailed information about importing Timesheets into QuickBooks desktop
Mapping Payroll to Timesheets in QuickBooks Online
QuickBooks fieldsAlayacare fieldNotes
Txn IDVisit ID 
TxnDateVisit Date 
Entity NameFull Name 
CustomerCustomer Name   
Service ItemService Code   
Payroll ItemPay Code   
Click here for more detailed information about importing Timesheets into QuickBooks online
Notes for setting up and matching: