Given Name | str 25 | First name of the individual |
Middle Name | str 25 | Middle name |
Title | str | Title of the person |
Family Name | str 25 | Family name of individual |
Suffix | str 10 | Suffix of the name (ie Jr) |
Display Name | str 100 | The name of the person or organization displayed in QuickBooks Online, must be unique |
Fully Qualified Name | str | MANDATORY - Full name of the customer, (ie. Parent:Customer:Job), colon used as separator, last level must be unique |
Company Name | str 50 | The name of the company or organization |
Is Active | bool | Whether customer is enabled in QuickBooiks Online (true or false) |
Primary Phone | str 21 | Primary telephone number |
Alternate Phone | str 21 | Alternate telephone number |
Mobile | str 21 | Mobile telephone number |
Fax | str 21 | Fax number |
Primary Email Addr | str 100 | Primary email address, must contain @ and be a standard email address format |
Web Addr | str 1000 | Web site address |
Default Tax Code Ref | str | Default tex code to apply to transactions, must match tax code in QuickBooks Online |
Taxable | bool | Whether transactions for customer are taxable (true or false) |
Bill Addr.... | | Billing Address for the customer, more here |
Ship Addr... | | Shipping Address for the customer, more here |
Notes | str 2000 | Notes on the customer |
Job |
Parent Ref |
Level |
Sales Term Ref | str | Sales Terms for the customer (must match Sales Terms list in QuickBooks Online) |
Payment Method Ref | str | Payment method for the customer (must match Payment Method list in QuickBooks Online) |
Open Balance | | Opening balance when creating customer |
Open Balance Date | Date | Date to be used for the opening balance |
Currency Ref | Str 3 | Currency to be used for transactions for this customer (must match currency ie United States Dollar, Canadian Dollar, GBP, AUD, EUR) |
Preferred Delivery Method | Enum | Preferred delivery method (possible values are Print, Email or None) |
Resale Num | str 15 | Resale number or additional info |
Secondary Tax Identifier | Str | (UK and IN only). Equivalent to UTR No in UK or CST Reg No. in India |
GSTIN | Str | (IN only) GSTIN is an identification number assigned to every GST registered business |
Business Number | Str | Also called, PAN (in India) is a code that acts as an identification for individuals, families and corporates, especially for those who pay taxes on their income |
Bill With Parent | Bool | Whether the job is billed with it parent (true or false) |
Balance With Jobs |
Is Project |
Primary Tax Identifier | Str | The Tax identifier of Tax Registration Number for the Company or Individual, (only for UK, CA, AU or IN) |
GST Registration type | Str | For filing of the GSTR classification for the Customer. Possible values: GST_REG_REG, GST_REG_COMP, GST_UNREG, CONSUMER, OVERSEAS, SEZ, DEEMED.(only for IN) |
Print On Check Name | Str 110 | Name of the person or organization as printed on a check. |
Tax Exemption Reason Id | Num | The tax exemption reason associated with the customer, only if Sales Tax enabled. Possible values 1 - Federal government 2 - State government 3 - Local government 4 - Tribal government 5 - Charitable organization 6 - Religious organization 7 - Educational organizatoin 8 - Hospital 9 - Resale 10 - DIrect pay permit 11 - Multiple points of use 12 - Direct mail 13 - Agriculatural production |