Import customers into QuickBooks POS


In QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale customer list are used to keep a track of individuals or businesses who purchase items on an account or regular basis.  With Zed Axis it is possible to import or update lists of Customers from text or Excel files directly into QuickBooks POS.

Important items to consider when importing customer lists:

  • Depending on whether the Customer is being tracked as a Company or Individual, will determine what fields are used to identify the correct customer record in POS to add or update 
    • Track as Company (checked) - Company Name used to find correct record to update
    • Track as Company (unchecked) - First Name and Last Name used to find correct record to update
Customer record Track as Company or Individual

Steps to import customers

Import customers into QuickBooks POS using Zed Axis from text or Excel files.  Follow these steps
  1. Open your QuickBooks Point of Sale company file and connect Zed Axis to it
  2. Click on the Import tab and browse to the location of the Excel or text file that you wish to import
  3. Add a mapping and map the columns in your import file to the corresponding fields in QuickBooks Point of Sale
  4. Click import and Zed Axis will create the customers directly in QuickBooks Point of Sale
Sample import template for a customer list Customer Template
Description of the fields on a customer list you can import:
QuickBooks POS FieldFormatDescription
CompanyNameStr 41The name of the business (ID when Track as Company selected) 
CustomerIDStr 40The ID for the customer
CustomerFullName First Name and Last Name
CustomerDiscPercentfloatThe discount percentage for the customer
CustomerDiscTypeenumWhat type of discount ie None, PriceLevel, Percentage
CustomerTypeStr 15Category for the customer
EmailStr 99Email address for the customer
IsOkToEMailBool Whether OK to email customer (true or false)
FirstNameStr 30First name for the customer
Is Accepting ChecksBoolWhether accepting checks from customer (true or false)
Is Using Charge AccountBoolWhether the customer has charge account (true or false)
Is Using With QBBoolWhether data is used with QB Desktop (true or false)
Is Rewards MemberBoolWhether is a rewards member (true or false)
Is No Ship To BillingBoolWhether to ship to billing or not (true or false)
Last NameStr 30Last name of the customer
NotesStr 245Notes for the customer
PhoneStr 40Primary phone number for the customer
Phone2Str 40Alt phone 2
Phone3Str 40Alt phone 3
Phone4Str 40Alt phone 4
Price Level NumberEnumPrice Level discount (ie 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
SalutationStr 15Formal reference ie Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr.
Tax CategoryStr 20 
Bill Addr....StrBilling address fields for the customer
Default Ship AddressStr 32Str
Ship Addr...StrShipping address fields for the customer
Ship Address NameStr 32