Import vouchers into QuickBooks POS

Overview of importing vouchers into QuickBooks Point of Sale

In QuickBooks Point of Sale there are two types of vouchers, receiving vouchers are used to record the receipt of items into inventory when a shipment arrives from a vendor, and the other is a return voucher that records the return of items previously received into inventory such as damaged or over supplied goods, this reduces the inventory level.  

With Zed Axis you can import receiving and return vouchers into QuickBooks Point of Sale from text and Excel files. 

Steps to import vouchers

Follow these steps to import:
  1. Open your QuickBooks Point of Sale company file and connect Zed Axis to it
  2. Click on the Import tab and browse to the location of the Excel or text file that you wish to import
  3. Add a mapping and map the columns in your import file to the corresponding fields in QuickBooks Point of Sale
  4. Click import and Zed Axis will create the vouchers directly in QuickBooks Point of Sale

More help?

You can specify what type you wish to import in the Voucher Type field. Download a sample 

Watch a demonstration of importing vouchers into QuickBooks POS

Where the fields appear into QuickBooks Point of Sale 

POS Voucher Import

Description of the fields on a voucher you can import:

QuickBooks POS FieldFormatDescription
AssociateStr 40The employee making the voucher transaction
CommentStr 2000A description of the voucher
DiscountAmtThe amount of discount available on the transaction
Discount PercentFloatThe percentage discount available on the transaction
FeeAmtFee for the voucher (ie special handling)
FreightAmtPrice charged by the shipping carrier
Invoice DateDateThe date shown on the voucher
Invoice NumberStrMandatory Reference number for the voucher
Payee List IDStrThe name of the vendor 
Purchase Order NumberStrThe purchase order number to link the voucher too
QuickBooks FlagEnumWhether the transaction has been posted to QuickBooks (values: NOT POSTED, COMPLETE, ERROR)
Store NumberIntThe store number for the voucher ( ie  1-10) only when using Multistore POS
Terms DiscountFloatThe discount percentage
Terms Discount DaysIntNumber of days prior to due date to receive the discount
Terms Net DaysIntVendors payment date
Txn DateDateDate of the transaction
Txn StateEnumIndicates if the transaction is complete or held (values: Normal, Held)
Vendor NameStrMandatory The name of the vendor
Voucher TypeEnumThe type of the voucher (values: Receiving or Return)
WorkstationIntThe number of the workstation the voucher was made
ALUStr20Alternate Lookup for the item
AttributeStr12Field used to describe the attribute (ie color, pattern, material)
CostAmtCost of the item
Item NameStrMandatory Name of the item
Item Inventory DepartmentStrMandatory Department for item (only used if a unmatched Item needs to be created) use a constant value of System as default value
Desc 2StrSecondary description for the item
Extended CostAmtExtended amount of the line item ie Quantity x Cost
Qty receivedQuanQuantity of the item received or returned
SizeStr 12Size of the item
Unit Of MeasureStr 20Unit of measure for the item
UPCStr 18Items unique UPC/EAN/ISBN identifier