Associate | Str 40 | The employee making the sales order |
Cashier | Str 16 | Name of the employee taking the sale |
Instructions | Str 2000 | Description of the transaction |
Customer Full Name | Str | Mandatory The Full Name of the Customer |
Discount | Amt | The amount of discount available on the transaction |
Discount Percent | Float | The percentage discount available on the transaction |
Price Level Number | Enum | Number of the price level to apply to the transaction ie 1,2,3,4 etc |
Promo Code | Str 10 | Special sale and promo code |
Sales Order Number | Str | Reference number for the sales order |
Sales Order Status Desc | Str | Status of the order (ie OPEN, CLOSED or a custom status set in company preferences) |
Sales Order Type | Enum | Type of sales order (possible values SalesOrder, Layaway, WorkOrder, WebOrder) |
Ship Date | Date | The date the sale shipped |
Tax Category | Str 20 | Tax Location for the sale (refers to the Tax Location list in QB POS) |
Txn Date | Date | Date of the sales order |
Ship Address.... | | Shipping address details (see more here) |
Sales ALU | Str 20 | Item alternate lookup code, to match using this field please select the option in the more options settings |
Sales Associate | Str 40 | The employee making the line sale |
Sales Attribute | Str 12 | Item characteristic i.e. color, pattern, material etc.. |
Sales Commission | Amt | Commission amount for the item |
Item Name | Str | Mandatory Name of the item |
Item Inventory Department | Str | Mandatory Department for item (only used if a unmatched Item needs to be created) use a constant value of System as default value
Sales Desc2 | Str | Secondary description for the item |
Sales Discount | Amt | Amount of discount to the line |
Sales Discount Percent | Float | Percentage discount for the line |
Sales Discount Type | Str 32 | Reason for the discount |
Sales Extended Price | Amt | Extended amount of the line item ie Quanity x Price |
Sales Price | Amt | Sale price of the item |
Sales Quantity | Quan | Quantity of the item sold |
Sales Serial Number | Str 25 | Serial number of the item sold |
Sales Size | Str 12 | Size of the item |
Sales Tax Code | Str | Tax location for the item |
Sales Unit Of Measure | Str 20 | Unit of measure for the item |
Sales UPC | Str 18 | Items unique UPC/EAN/ISBN identifier |
| | |