Import bills into QuickBooks Online

Overview of importing bills into QuickBooks Online

In QuickBooks Online bill transactions are used to record the purchase of goods or services from vendors that are to be paid in the future.  Using Zed Axis you can import bills into QuickBooks Online from text, Excel and IIF filesin batch.  

Steps to import bills

Follow these steps:

  1. Open Zed Axis on your desktop and connect to QuickBooks Online, 
  2. Click on the import tab and browse to the file that contains the bills you wish to import.
  3. Select from the drop down list the option to Create a new mapping and map the columns in your import file to the corresponding fields in QuickBooks Online.
  4. Finally click on the Import button and Axis will import the bills directly into QuickBooks Online

Watch a demonstration of how to import bills into QuickBooks Online

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Where the fields appear in QuickBooks Online


Description of the fields that you can map to in QuickBooks Online

QuickBooks Online FieldFormatDescription
Doc NumberStr 21MANDATORY FIELD - Bill reference number, duplicate Doc Numbers are accepted in QuickBooks, see also Auto Numbering
Txn DatedateThe date of the bill, If you leave Txn Date out the mapping, the current date in QuickBooks Online will be used.
Private NoteStr 4000User entered, organization-private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default.
Department Ref The department of Location used to classify the Bill
Currency RefCurrency CodeThe currency that is being used on the bill (only required if not Home Currency) ie USD, EUR, AUD, GBP more
Exchange RateDecimalThe number of home currency units equal to one of the currency being imported (ie Currency Ref) more
Line Description Description for the expense line
Line Amount Amount of the expense
Line Customer Ref Customer name associated with the expense
Line Account Class Class associated with the expense
Line Account Ref Name of the expense account
Line Billable Status Billable status of the expense values Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled
Line Account Tax Code Tax code associated with the expense line
Vendor Ref MANDATORY FIELD - Full name of the vendor
AP Account The Accounts Payable account the purchase is credited
Sales Term Reference to the terms for the purchase
Due Date Date payment is due if not provided defaults to Sales Terms date
Global Tax Calculation Method to which tax is applied - TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive or NotApplicable
Line Item DescriptionStr 4000A descriptive text field for the Item
Line Item AmountNum 10.5MANDATORY FIELD - The Amount of the line item ie Qty x Unit Price
Line Item Ref MANDATORY FIELD - The name of the item purchased
Line Item Class Class for the line item
Line Item QtyDecimalNumber of items ordered
Line Item Unit PriceDecimalUnit price of the item
Line Item Tax Code Tax code used for the item
Line Item Customer Customer associated with the item purchase
Line Item Billable Status Billable status of the Item line values Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled


Troubleshooting Errors

Business Validation Error: There is no account associated with the item Item Name Is it marked for purchase, and has an account associated with it - The error occurs because the item you are importing on the bill is not set up correctly for purchasing, please go into QuickBooks Online, edit the Product and make sure in the Purchasing Information you have selected an Expense Account, then retry the import.

Required parameter Line.AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail.AccoutRef is missing in the request - This error occurs when Axis has not been able to identify the Line Account (Expense) that is being used on the bill.  To address this please check that the account that you are importing (ie Office Supplies or Auto:Fuel) exists and matches exactly in QuickBooks Online and that you are using the Full Account name as described here.  Also make sure that there is not a space at the end of the account name this will also result in a mismatch.


By Steve Batten