Doc Number | Str 21 | MANDATORY FIELD - Purchase Order number, duplicate DocNumbers are accepted in QuickBooks, see also Auto Numbering |
Txn Date | date | The date of the purchase order, If you leave TxnDate out the mapping, the current date in QuickBooks Online will be used. |
Private Note | Str 4000 | User entered, organization-private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. |
Line Description | Str 4000 | A descriptive text field for the Item |
Line Amount | Num 10.5 | MANDATORY FIELD - The Amount of the line item ie Qty x Unit Price |
Line Item Ref | | MANDATORY FIELD - The name of the item purchased |
Line Item Class | | Class for the line item |
Line Item Unit Price | Decimal | Unit price of the item |
Line Item Qty | Decimal | Number of items ordered |
Line Item Tax Code | | Tax code used for the item |
Line Customer | | Customer associated with the item purchase |
Line Billable Status | | Billable status of the expense values Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled |
Line Account Description | | Description for the expense line |
Line Account Amount | | Amount of the expense |
Line Account Customer | | Customer name associated with the expense |
Line Account Class | | Class associated with the expense |
Line Account | | Name of the expense account |
Line Account Billable Status | | Billable status of the expense values Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled |
Line Account Tax Code | | Tax code associated with the expense line |
Txn Tax Code Name | | Reference to the transaction tax code |
Total Tax | | Total calculated tax for the transaction |
Tax Line Amount | | Amount |
Tax Percent Based | | True - sale tax as a percentage, False - sales tax as an amount |
Tax Percent | | Percentage of the tax line ie 8.5% use 8.5 |
Vendor Ref | | Full name of the vendor |
AP Account | | The Accounts Payable account the purchase is credited |
Class Ref | | Class associated with the transaction |
Sales Term | | Reference to the terms for the purchase |
Due Date | | Date payment is due if not provided defaults to Sales Terms date |
Vendor AddrLine1.. etc | | Vendor Address lines 1-5, City, State, Postal Code and Country see importing address into QuickBooks for more information |
Ship AddrLine1.. etc | | Shipping Address lines 1-5, City, State, Postal Code and Country see importing address into QuickBooks for more information |
Ship Method Ref | | Method of shipment for the purchase |
PO Status | | Status of the purchase values Open, Closed |
Global Tax Calculation | | Method to which tax is applied - TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive or NotApplicable |