How to automatically create names, items and accounts

When importing transactions or lists Zed Axis will create new names (customer, vendor and employee), items or accounts if it is unable to find an exact full name match. This occurs by default which you can configure and is intended to minimize errors and disruptions to the import process.

Supported in the following transactions:
Create Names (ie Customer:Jobs, Vendors or Employees)
  • QuickBooks Desktop - Invoices, Sales Receipts, Sales Orders, Estimates, Check, Bill, Timesheet
  • QuickBooks Online - Invoices, Sales Receipts, Estimates, Time Entry
Create Items 
  • QuickBooks Desktop - Invoices, Sale Receipts, Sales Orders, Estimates, Purchase Orders & Bills
  • QuickBooks Online - Invoices, Sales Receipts, Sales Orders

Create Accounts

In certain circumstances you may prefer Axis to not create these new records and instead skip the addition of the transaction or list, to do that you need to set the option to Skip List Validation (QuickBooks desktop only).

  1. In the import module.
  2. Check the option Skip List Validation
  3. Click OK and retry your import
Error creating names - please make sure that the length of the name does not exceed the maximum length permitted by QuickBooks and that the name is not already used on another list, as QuickBooks does not permit the same customer name to be used in the Vendor Name list.

Zed Ref - AXIS-278

Improvement AXIS-1028


Does Zed Axis allow you to manually select a Customer Name from existing QBOL names if it does not find the name as it is spelled in the import file?
Jeff Bush (11/9/2015 at 7:57 PM)
Hi Jeff, No it will just create the name unless it matches exactly. If this is likely to occur regularly you could use the search and replace feature to correct misspellings.
Steve (8/30/2016 at 4:58 AM)
Can I use the SKU Lookup in Quickbooks Desktop version? I am unable to check it off.
Ray Chichi (7/18/2017 at 3:42 PM)