Import journals into Xero

Overview of importing journals into Xero

You can import journals (manual journals) into Xero from text, Excel and IIF files into Xero using Zed Axis

Steps to import into Xero

Follow these steps:

  1. Open Zed Axis and connect to your Xero company file
  2. Click on the import tab
  3. Browse to the file that you wish to import into Xero
  4. Create a map between the columns in your import file and the corresponding fields in Xero, a detailed explanation of the fields are included below.
  5. Click import and your data will be imported into Xero as customer invoices.

Download a sample Journal Template

Where the fields appear in Xero

Detailed description of the fields you can map

Here is a description of the fields that you can import on a journal

Xero fieldTypeDescription
NarrationStrDescription of the journal being posted, also used to group batch journals together
DateDateDate the journal was posted in the format YYYY-MM-DD
StatusEnum Status of the journal (DRAFT, POSTED, DELETED, VOIDED)
UrlURL Url link to source document
Line Amount TypesEnumWhether the amounts are including or excluding tax, possible values are NoTax, Exclusive or Inclusive
Line AmountAMT Total for line, Debits are positive, Credits are negative
Line Account CodeStr User defined alpha numeric account code e.g 200 or SALES
Line DescriptionStr Description for a journal line
Line Tax TypeStr Tax Code for the line (eg INPUT, OUTPUT, NONE)
Tracking Name 1StrName of the first Tracking Category (ie Region as shown in above image)
Tracking Option 1Str Value for the first Tracking Category 
Tracking Name 2Str Name of the second Tracking Category (ie Sales Rep as shown in above image)
Tracking Option 2Str Value of the second Tracking Category