Import spend money into Xero

Overview of importing spend money transactions into Xero

You can import spend money (bank transactions - spend) into Xero from text, Excel and IIF files into Xero using Zed Axis.  

Steps to importing into Xero

Follow these steps:

  1. Open Zed Axis and connect to your Xero company file
  2. Click on the import tab
  3. Browse to the file that you wish to import into Xero
  4. Create a map between the columns in your import file and the corresponding fields in Xero, a detailed explanation of the fields are included below.
  5. Click import and your data will be imported into Xero as spend money.

Where the fields appear in Xero


Detailed description of the fields that you can map

Here is a description of the fields that you can import on an spend money.

Xero field Description
Contact name Name of contact (supplier)
Line Item Description Description of the purchase
Line Item Quantity Quantity purchased (cannot be negative)
Line Items Unit Amount Item price (must be greater than 0)
Line Items Account Code Account code used on purchase
Line Items Tax Type Tax type used on the purchase (see Tax Types)
Line Items Amount Line amount
Tracking Name 1
StrName of the first Tracking Category more here 
Tracking Option 1

Value for the first Tracking Category more here 
Tracking Name 2

Name of the second Tracking Category more here 
Tracking Option 2

Value for the second Tracking Category more here 
Bank Account Code Bank account for the money spent
Date Date of Transaction in the format YYYY-MM-DD
Reference Reference for the Money spent transaction
Currency Rate Exchange rate to base currency
URL Url link to source document
Status Transaction status code (ACTIVE)
Sub Total Total of transaction excluding tax
Total Tax Total tax on transaction
Total Total of transaction including tax

Troubleshooting error messages:

Error - Input string was not in a correct format - this error indicates that one of the fields that you are importing is not in the correct format for Xero, ie an amount has a $ symbol, or a data is not recognised.  Check the data format and remove any unsupported characters and retry.