How to import sales tax item lists into QuickBooks


In QuickBooks desktop a sales tax item is used to record a percentage sales tax rate to collect on sales transactions and pay to a tax agency (for example Out of State  or Count, San Thomas).  You can import sales tax items into QuickBooks Desktop from text files or Excel spreadsheets using Zed Axis:

Steps to import a sales tax item list

Follow these steps to import the sales tax item list:
  1. Download and install the Zed Axis software on your computer
  2. Open your QuickBooks company file as Administrator and open Zed Axis
  3. Select your text file or spreadsheet which contains the sales tax items that you want to import.
  4. Set up the a Mapping of the columns in your sales tax items list import file to the corresponding fields in QuickBooks, as shown below
  5. Click Import and your sales tax item items will be directly added to your QuickBooks company file.

Where the fields appear in QuickBooks

tax item list

What fields you can import

QuickBooks fieldTypeDescription
NameStr 31 Name of the sales tax item
Is Activetrue or falseWhether the item is active
Item DescStr 4095The description of the sale tax item
Tax RatePercentThe tax rate, if non zero you must specify a Tax Vendor
Tax Vendor Full NameStr 41The tax agency to whom taxes collected are owned
Sales Tax Return LineStr 41The tax return line to be used (CA, UK and AU only)

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