Error: Unable to open the specified file

Occurs:When selecting a file to import or a mapping, you get the message that Axis is unable to open the specified file or the specified file is in use

Cause: Axis may not be able to open the file or the mapping that you have specified, because the file might already be opened by another application, a real time anti virus scan may be blocking Axis from connecting to that file, Axis does not have sufficient permissions to modify that file or the file may contain formulas or unusual characters that Axis is unable to read.

Suggested Solutions:Please try the following steps to trouble shoot this problem:
  • Check that the file that you are trying to open is not open in another application such as Excel or a text editor, if it is please exit from the other application and try again (in some instances the application may have crashed in which case you may need to reboot your machine)
  • Check that the file does not contain an empty column ie no data in the header or the cells underneath that header.
  • Check the Trust Center settings in Excel - In the Excel Options, select the Trust Center settings and check that External Content that you Enable all data connections
  • In the Excel worksheet if the name of the worksheet contains an unsupported Character (ie  . [ ) Then Axis may display the error unable to connect to specified file. Please remove any non text based characters from the sheet name, re-save and then re-browse to the file.
  • The Excel worksheet may contain a reference or formula that Axis is unable to read. For this create a new brand new sheet and then copy the data and Paste special (Values only) into the new empty sheet, save it and try and import that, sometimes saving the Excel sheet to Tab text delimited also works.
  • If you are running an anti virus scan in real time please configure the anti virus application so that it does not scan the folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zed or add an Exception for the program ZedAxis.exe . 
  • If the problem is occurring when open Zed Axis then you can clear the last opened file from the cache by deleting the path from the registry at Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Zed Systems\QuickBooks\Import\Location using the regedit utility 
  • You may need to recreate the map if the problem persists
Here are links on how to configure this in your anti virus system


  • Your installation my have not completed successfully and Axis does not have permission to modify the mappings. You will need to uninstall Zed Axis, delete the folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zed then reinstall Zed Axis make sure you are logged into Windows with Administrator permissions, that you temporarily turn off your anti virus software during the install and when installing select the option for all users. If this problem persist please raise a ticket with Zed Systems support and we will arrange a Remote Support session to resolve this issue.
  • Excel may be running a compatibility checker, you can disable the compatibility checker (Excel 2007) On the Office button, click Prepare, click Run Compatibility Checker, and then clear the Check compatibility when you save this workbook box. or (Excel 2010) On the File tab, click Info, click Check for issues, click Check Compatibility, and then clear the Check compatibility when you save this workbook box.