Full Name format used in QuickBooks


When specifying maps in QuickBooks desktop or QuickBooks Online you will regularly see Full Name written after such fields as Customer Job Full NameItem Ref Full NameAccount Full Name, Account Ref Full NameClass Full Name.. etc.  In order to match QuickBooks list items such as Customers, Accounts, and Classes with your import data you should provide the Full Name as it appears in QuickBooks as this is the only unique way of identifying the correct list record.  So in your import data you need to specify the Full Name otherwise the item will not be correctly matched in QuickBooks.

The Full Name is the name of the Item, Customer, Account etc.. prefixed by the names of each ancestor, each ancestor is separated by a colon (:), this can be set to 5 levels. For example here is a three level full name:

ACME:Project101:TaskA is a Job called TaskA that is an child of ACME:Project101.  
Full name format
Full Name values are not case-sensitive, and can contain spaces.

Tip: Need to convert a Name into a Full Name?  - 

Your data may have the name of the item but you need to make the Full Name in order to import into QuickBooks, you could use a Axis Function to search on the Name and replace with the Full Name ie in the above example search on TaskA and replace with ACME:Project101:TaskA , alternatively in your Excel file you could use the Concatenate function to join the Parent to the Name.