Vendor Ref | Str 41 | (Mandatory) A vendor is any person or company from whom a small business owner buys goods and services. (Banks and tax agencies usually are included on the vendor list.) |
Currency |
Class Full Name | Str 159 | Classification list as appears in QuickBooks |
Inventory Site Ref |
Ship To Full Name | Str 209 | The name of the person to whom the order is to be shipped. Can be a name in the customer, vendor, employee and other names list. Full name possible |
Template | Str 31 | The name of the customised template to be used in QuickBooks |
Txn Date | Date | The date of the purchase order |
Purchase Order Ref Number | Str 11 | (Mandatory) The reference number for the purchase order |
Vendor Address (Addr1-5...) | | The address of the Vendor. More on importing address blocks |
Vendor Note | Str 41 | The note to appear at the bottom of the Vendor address block |
Phone | | Phone Number of the Vendor (see updating address) |
Fax | | Fax number of the Vendor (see updating address) |
Email | | Email address of the Vendor (see updating address) |
Ship Address (Addr1-5....) | | The address the order will be shipped to. More on importing address blocks |
Ship Note | Str 41 | The note to appear at the bottom of the Ship address block |
Terms | Str 31 | The payment terms |
Due date | Date | The date payment is due |
Expected date | Date | The date the shipment is expected |
Ship Method | Str 15 | The shipping method should match the shipping method list in QuickBooks |
FOB | Str 13 | Free on board field |
Memo | Str 4095 | Memo field |
Vendor Msg | Str 99 | Message for the Vendor, should match list in QuickBooks |
Is To Be Printed | Bool | Whether PO is to be printed (accepted values true or false) |
Is To Be Emailed | Bool | Whether PO is to be emailed (accepted values true or false) |
Is Tax Included | Bool | Whether amounts include tax or not (not available in US editions) |
Sales Tax Code | Str 3 | Sales tax code (only for CA and UK editions) |
Other1 | Str 25 | Other1 field |
Other2 | Str 29 | Other2 field |
Exchange Rate | float | If multi-currency transaction then the exchange rate used |
Item Ref | Str | (Mandatory) Full name of the item on the purchase order |
Manufacturers Part No | Str 31 | Manufacturers part number or reference |
Description | Str 4095 | Description used for the item purchased |
Quantity | Quan | Quantity |
Unit of Measure | Str 31 | Unit of measure used, preference must be switched on |
Rate | Price | Rate for the item purchased |
Line Class | Str 159 | Class used at the line level |
Amount | Amt | Amount for the item |
Customer Ref | Str 209 | Customer job the PO is for |
Service Date | Date | Service date specified for the purchase order |
Line Tax Code | Str 3 | Sales tax code (CA, UK and AU only) |
Line Item Account Override | | |
Line Other1 | str 25 | Other1 |
Line Other2 | str 29 | Other2 |
OwnerID | | |
Data Ext Name | str 31 | Custom value name more here |
Data Ext Value |
| Custom value |
Item Group Full Name | str 31 | Group item full name |
Item Group Quantity | Quan | Group Item quantity |
Item Group UOM | Str 31 | group item unit of measure |
Item Group Inventory Site | Str 31 | group item site location |
Item Group inventory Site Location | Str 31
| group item bin location |
Item Group Custom Field Name .. | Str 31
| Custom field name used on the Group Item |
Item Group Custom Field Value .. | Str 31
| Custom field value used on the Group item |