Import Fixed Assets Items into QuickBooks

Overview of how to import Fixed Assets into QuickBooks desktop

In QuickBooks desktop Fixed Assets list are items that provide benefit to a business for longer than a year. You can import fixed assets into QuickBooks from text files or from Excel spreadsheets using the Zed Axis software.

Steps to import fixed assets

Follow these steps to import:
  1. Open your QuickBooks company file as Administrator and open Zed Axis
  2. Select your text file or spreadsheet which contains the fixed asset items that you want to import.
  3. Set up the a Mapping of the columns in your fixed asset items import file to the corresponding fields in QuickBooks
  4. Click Import and your fixed asset items will be directly added to your QuickBooks company file:

More help?

For more information about importing fixed asset items into QuickBooks, search the Knowledge Base, watch the movies in the Learning Centre, or raise a ticket with Zed Support

Download Fixed Asset template


Where the fields appear

Import fixed assets into QuickBooks desktop

Detailed description of the fields

QuickBooks fieldTypeDescription
 Name Str 31Name of the fixed asset item
 Is Active Bool Whether item is active in QuickBooks true or false
 Class Ref Full NameStrFull name of the Class must match what is in QuickBooks
 Acquired As Enum If item was New or Old when acquired
 Purchase Desc Str 50 Description when purchased
 Purchase Date Date Date of purchase
 Purchase Cost Price Cost of purchase
 Vendor Or Payee Name Str 50 Name of vendor
 Fixed Asset Account Name Str 159 Chart of Account name for asset
 Sales Desc Str 50 Description if sold
 Sales Date Date Date of sale (cannot be before purchase date)
 Sales Price Price Price of sale
 Sales Expense Price Expense incurred during sale
 Asset Desc Str 50 Description of the asset
 Location Str 50 Location of asset
 PO Number Str 30 Purchase order number for asset
 Serial Number Str 30 Serial number for the asset
 Warranty Exp Date Date Date warranty expires
 Notes Str 4095 Notes
 Asset Number Str 10 Number used to identify asset
 Cost Basis Amt Total cost of the asset, used for depreciation calculation
 Year End Accum Depreciation Amt Amount lost in value since purchased
 Year End Book Value Amt Value at the end of the year