How to import item receipts into QuickBooks

Overview of importing item receipts into QuickBooks Desktop

In QuickBooks Desktop an item receipt is using to record the receipt of items purchased into inventory and separately from a bill. You can import item receipts into QuickBooks from text files or Excel spreadsheets using Zed Axis

Follow these steps to import item receipts

  1. Download and install the Zed Axis software on your computer
  2. Open your QuickBooks company file as Administrator and open Zed Axis
  3. Select your text file or spreadsheet which contains the item receipts that you want to import.
  4. Set up the a Mapping of the columns in your item receipts import file to the corresponding fields in QuickBooks, as shown below
  5. Click Import and your item receipts will be directly added to your QuickBooks company file.

Where the fields appear on an item receipt in QuickBooks desktop

item receipt import

Detailed description of the fields you can 

QuickBooks field Type Description 
 Vendor Str 41 Name of the vendor supplying the goods or services
 AP Account Str 159 Refers to an Accounts Payable account in QuickBooks
 Txn Date Date Date that the transaction occurred
 Ref Number Str 20 Transaction reference number
 Memo Str 4095 Additional information
 Is Tax Included true or false Whether amounts include tax or not (CA, UK, AU only)
 Sales Tax Code Str 3 Sales tax code
 Exchange Rate FloatExchange rate in exchange for the home currency 
 Link To Purchase Order Str Refers to the Ref Number of the Purchase order that the Item Receipt is linked to.
 Sales Rep Full Name StrName of the Sales Rep as appears in the QuickBooks Sales Rep list
 Data Ext Name 1 StrName of the Custom field 1 read more
 Data Ext Value 1 StrValue for the Custom field 1
 Data Ext Name 2 StrName of the Custom field 2
 Data Ext Value 2 StrValue for the Custom field 2
 Item Full Name Str Full name of the item received
 Item Inventory Site Str 31 Inventory site which the item is received at 
 Item Desc Str 4095 Description on the line
 Item Quantity Quant Quantity of the item received
 Item UOM Str 31 Unit of measure more here
 Item Cost Quant Cost
 Item Amount Amt Amount
 Item Customer Str 209 Customer item line is associated to
 Item Class Str 159 Class item line is associated to
 Item Sales tax Code Str 3 Sales Tax for the item line
 Item Billable Status enum Billable Status for the expense line (possible values are Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled)
 Serial Number Str 4095The serial number or numbers for the item
 Lot Number Str 40The lot number for the item



How do you receive against an existing PO?
Lauren de Sylva (5/26/2020 at 11:55 PM)