Is Active | true or false | Whether the employee record is enabled in QuickBooks, default true |
Salutation | str 15 | Title used for the employee,ie Mr, Ms, Mrs etc... |
First Name | str 25 | First name of the employee |
Middle Name | str 5 | Middle name of the employee |
Last Name | str 25 | Last name of the employee |
Supervisor Full Name | str 209 | Supervisors Full Name (Match name of Employee or Vendor already in QuickBooks) |
Department | str 31 | Department for the employee |
Description | str 64 | Role description for the employee |
Target Bonus | amount | Dollar value target to achieve bonus (eg. 10000.00) |
Employee Addr.... | str | Address for the employee. More information on importing addresses into QuickBooks |
Print As | str 41 | Name used when printing on forms |
Phone | str 21 | Phone number |
Mobile | str 21 | Mobile phone number |
Pager | str 21 | Pager number |
Pager PIN | str 10 | Pager PIN |
Alt Phone | str 21 | Alternative phone number |
Fax | str 21 | Fax Number |
SSN | str 15 | Social security number, accept dashes or non dashed |
Email | str 1023 | Email address |
Emergency Primary Contact Name | str 40 | Name of the primary emergency contact |
Emergency Primary Contact Value | str 255 | Telephone number of the primary emergency contact |
Emergency Primary Contact Relation | enum | Relation of the contact (Values: Spouse, Partner, Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Son, Daughter, Friend, Other) |
Emergency Secondary Contact Name | str 40 | Name of the secondary emergency contact |
Emergency Secondary Contact Value | str 255 | Telephone number of the secondary emergency contact |
Emergency Secondary Contact Relation | enum | Relation of the contact (Values: Spouse, Partner, Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Son, Daughter, Friend, Other) |
Employee Type | enum | Employee type from QuickBooks list, (values: Officer, Owner, Regular [DEFAULT], Statutory) |
Part Or Full Time | enum | Whether the employee is part time or full time (values: PartTime, FullTime) |
Exempt | enum | If the employee is exempt or not (values: Exempt, NonExempt ) |
Key Employee | enum | If the employee is a key employee (values: Yes, No) |
Gender | enum | (values: Male or Female) |
Hired Date | date | Date the employee was hired |
Original Hire Date | date | Date employee was originally hired |
Adjusted Service Date | date | Date service was adjusted |
Released Date | date | date the employee was released |
Birth Date | date | Date the employee was born |
US Citizen | enum | Whether the employee is a US citizen (values: Yes, No) |
Ethnicity | enum | Ethnic origin of employee (values: AmericanIndian, Asian, Black, Hawaiian, Hispanic, White, TwoOrMoreRaces ) |
Disabled | enum | Whether the employee as a disability (values: Yes, No) |
Disability Desc | str | Description of the disability |
On File | enum | (values: Yes, No) |
Work Auth Expire Date | date | Date work authority expires |
US Veteran | enum | (values: Yes, No) |
Military Status | enum | (values: Active, Reserve) |
Account Number | str 99 | Employee reference number |
Notes | str 4095 | Employee notes |
Billing Rate | str 31 | Rate that the employees time is billed at |
Emp Pay Period | enum | Pay period for the employee, match list in QuickBooks (Weekly, fortnightly, etc...) |
Class | str 159 | Class list as appears in QuickBooks |
Clear Earnings | true or false | If set to true then the earnings will be deleted for this employee |
Payroll Item | str 31 | Default payroll items for employee, must match QuickBooks list (You can import multiple payroll items if you separate the payroll items with a semi colon, (ie Salary;Overtime;Sick Leave ) |
Earning Rate | price | Rate the employee is paid at |
Use Time Data to create Paychecks | enum | If the employee is paid based on the time entered into a QuickBooks timesheet (values: NotSet, UseTimeData, DoNotUseTimeData) |
Sick Hours Available | time | amount of sick leave available in hours |
Sick Hours Accrual Period | enum | period for which accrual is calculated Values: BeginningOfYear, EveryHourOnPaycheck, EveryPaycheck |
Sick Hours Accrued | time | hours that are accrued in accrual period |
Sick Hours Maximum Accrual | time | maximum hours that can be accrued |
Sick Hours is Reset | true or false | Should the accrued amount be reset each year |
Sick Hours Used | time | hours used in |
Sick Hours Accrual Start Date | date | Date the accrual period started |
Vacation Hours Available | time | amount of vacation leave available |
Vacation Hours Accrual Period | enum | period for which accrual is calculated Values: BeginningOfYear, EveryHourOnPaycheck, EveryPaycheck |
Vacation Hours Accrued | time | hours that are accrued in accrual period |
Vacation Hours Maximum Accrual | time | maximum hours that can be accrued |
Vacation Hours is Reset | true or false | Should the accrued amount be reset each year |
Vacation Hours Used | time | hours used in |
Vacation Hours Accrual Start Date | date | Date the accrual period started |