Name | Str 41 | MANDATORY - Name of the customer, (or job if a parent exists, not the FullName, eg Project 101 where full name is ACME:Project 101 |
Is Active | Bool | Whether enabled for use (values true or false) |
Parent Full Name | Str | Name of the parent (eg for ACME:Project 101 the parent name is ACME) |
Company Name | Str 41 | The name of the company |
Salutation | Str 15 | Mr. Mrs etc |
First Name | Str 25 | First name of the customer |
Middle Name | Str 5 | Middle name of the customer |
Last Name | Str 25 | Last name of the customer |
Bill Address.... | Str | Bill to address block, see importing addresses for more information |
Bill Note | Str 41 | Note that appears at the bottom of the bill to address block |
Ship Address... | Str | Ship to address block, see importing addresses article for more information |
Ship Note | Str 41 | Note that appears at the bottom of the address block |
Phone | Str 21 | Phone number |
Alt Phone | Str 21 | Alternative phone number |
Fax | Str 21 | Fax number |
Email | Str 1023 | Email address |
Contact | Str 41 | Contact name |
Alt Contact | Str 41 | Alternative contact name |
Contact Name | Str 40 | Additional contact name (up to 8 times per customer) ie Other 1, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn more here |
Contact Value | Str 255 | Additional contact value that accompanies the Contact Name field above more here |
Customer Type | Str 149 | Customer Type as appear in QuickBooks list |
Term | Str 31 | Terms |
Sales Rep | Str 5 | Sales reps initial as appears in QuickBooks list |
Open Balance | Amt | Opening balance |
Open Balance Date | Date | Opening balance date |
Sales Tax Code | Str 3 | Sales Tax Code for the customer (typically Tax or Non) |
Item Sales Tax Code | Str 31 | Default Item sales tax code for the customer (eg San Tomas) must be on the item sales tax code in QuickBooks |
Sales Tax Country | Enum | Country collecting the Tax (not supported in US edition), must be either Canada, Australia or UK |
Re Sale Number | Str 15 | The customers resale number |
Account Number | Str 99 | Account number for the customer |
Credit Limit | Amt | Customers credit limit |
Preferred Pay Method | Str 31 | Preferred payment method for the customer (must match payment method list in QuickBooks) |
Credit Card Details.... | Str | Credit card details see more |
Job Status | enum | The status of the job, only the following values are accepted (None, Pending, Awarded, InProgress, Closed, NotAwarded |
Job Start Date | date | The date the job started |
Job Projected End Date | date | The date the job is predicted to end |
Job End Date | date | The date the job ended |
Job Desc | Str 99 | The description for the job |
Job Type Full Name | str 159 | Type of job (must match list in QuickBooks) |
Notes | str 4095 | Notes |
Price Level | str 31 | Price level assign to that customer or job (match Price Level list in QuickBooks) |
Currency | str 64 | Foreign currency, must match list in QuickBooks |
Class | | Class associated with the customer |
Job Title | | Job Title for the contact |
CC | Str 1023 | CC email address |
Contact Name | Str 255 | Additional contact name |
Additional Notes | Str 4095 | Additional Notes |
Preferred Delivery Method | Enum | Preferred Delivery Method (must be either None, Email or Fax) |
Ship To Name | Str | Name of the additional ship to address ie Ship To Warehouse |
Ship To Addr..... | | Additional ship to address see more on how to import |
Ship To Note | Str | Additional ship to address note |
Default Ship To | Bool | Whether it should be used as the default ship to address (values true of false) |
Tax Registration Number | Str | Customers tax registration number (Non-US QuickBooks versions only) |