Account Ref | Str 159 | Credit Card company to whom the money is owed, as appears in QuickBooks Chart of Accounts |
Payee Entity | Str 209 | Refers to the vendor or company from whom the merchandise was purchased |
Txn Date | Date | The date of the charge |
Ref Number | Str 11 | Reference number for this transaction |
Memo | Str 4095 | Additional information |
Is Tax Included | Boolean | CA, UK and AU only - Whether amounts include tax, true or false |
Exchange Rate | | Market price for which the currency can be exchanged for |
Expense Account | Str 159 | Full name of the expense account that the charge is to be allocated to |
Expense Amount | | A monetary amount |
Expense Customer Name | Str 209 | Full name of the Customer job that the charge is against |
Expense Class | Str 159 | Class as a category |
Expense Sales Tax Code | Str 3 | A sales tax code that indicates whether the item is taxable and why |
Expense Billable Status | Enum | The billing status of this expense line, values accepted Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled |
Sales Rep Full Name | Str | Name of the Sales Rep as appears in the QuickBooks Sales Rep list |
Data Ext Name 1 | Str | Name of the Custom field 1 read more |
Data Ext Value 1 | Str | Value for the Custom field 1 |
Data Ext Name 2 | Str | Name of the Custom field 2 |
Data Ext Value 2 | Str | Value for the Custom field 2 |
Item Full Name | Str 209 | The item code that is being purchased |
Description | Str 4095 | A description for the item |
Unit of Measure | Str 31 | Name of the unit of measure |
Quantity | Quan | How many of the item are purchased |
Cost | Quan | Cost of the item |
Item Amount | | Amount of the item |
Item Customer Name | Str 209 | Full name of the Customer associated with the charge |
Item Class Name | Str 159 | Class as a category |
Item Sales Tax Code | Str 3 | A sales tax code that indicates whether the item is taxable and why |
Item Billable Status | Enum | The billing status of this item line, values accepted Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled |
Override Item Account | | |
Item Sales Rep Full Name | Str | Name of the Sales Rep as appears in the QuickBooks Sales Rep list |
Item Data Ext Name 1 | Str | Name of the Custom field 1 read more |
Item Data Ext Value 1 | Str | Value for the Custom field 1 |
Item Data Ext Name 2 | Str | Name of the Custom field 2 |
Item Data Ext Value2 | Str | Value for the Custom field 2 |
Serial Number | Str 4095 | The serial number used on the item |
Lot Number | Str 40 | The lot number used on the item |