Account Full Name | Str 159 | Mandatory. Refers to the account from which the funds are being drawn for this check, for example, Checking or Savings. FullName is required |
Payee Entity | Str 209 | Refers to the person or company to whom the check is written |
Ref Number | Str 11 | Refers to this transaction and that can be arbitrarily changed by the QuickBooks user |
Txn Date | Date | The date written on the check |
Memo | Str 4095 | The memo that is printed on the check itself |
Address | | Address block |
Is To Be Printed | Bool (true or false) | If IsToBePrinted is true, this transaction is on a list of forms to be printed later |
Is Tax Included | Bool (true or false) | If IsTaxIncluded is true, this transaction includes Tax (CA, UK, AU only) |
Exchange Rate | float | the market price for which this currency can be exchanged for the currency used by the QuickBooks company file as the "home" currency |
Apply Check to Txn ID | Str | Refers to the Credit Memo so you can create a refund check |
Apply Check To Txn Amount | Amt | The amount of the Refund Check |
Expense Account | str 159 | You must include AccountRef if the “Require accounts” check box is selected in the QuickBooks Accounting preferences. (It is selected by default.) Typically this is an expense, asset or liability account. Accounts should be specified as a full name format |
Expense Amount | Amt | A monetary amount |
Expense Memo | Str 4095 | Additional information about this expense line. |
Expense Customer Name | Str 209 | If AccountRef refers to an A/P account, CustomerRef must refer to a vendor (not to a customer). If AccountRef refers to any other type of account, the CustomerRef must refer to a customer |
Expense Class | Str 159 | Classes can be used to separate transactions into meaningful categories. |
Expense Sales Tax Code | Str 3 | Tax code (CA, UK and AU only) |
Expense Billable Status | Values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled | The billing status of this expense line. No default value |
Sales Rep FullName | Str | Name of the Sales Rep as appears in the QuickBooks Sales Rep list |
Data Ext Name1 | Str | Name of the Custom field 1 read more |
Data Ext Value1 | Str | Value for the Custom field 1 |
Data Ext Name2 | Str | Name of the Custom field 2 |
Data Ext Value2 | Str | Value for the Custom field 2 |
Item Full Name | Str 209 | An Item is used to track any portion of a transaction that represents the purchase of an goods or services. ItemRef can refer to an item on any Item list. Full name required |
Description | Str 4095 | Description of the item |
Unit of Measure | Str 31 | Unit of measure for that item |
Cost | | If both Quantity and Amount are specified, QuickBooks will use them to calculate Cost. Likewise, if both Quantity and Cost are specified, QuickBooks will use them to calculate the total Amount |
Item Amount | Amt | |
Item Customer Name | Str 209 | Refer to a Customer or job, full name |
Item Class | | Classes can be used to separate transactions into meaningful categories. |
Item Sales Tax Code | Str 3 | Tax code (CA, UK and AU only) |
Item Billable Status | Values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled | The billing status of this expense line. No default value |
Item SalesRep FullName | Str | Name of the Sales Rep as appears in the QuickBooks Sales Rep list |
Item Data Ext Name1 | Str | Name of the Custom field 1 read more |
Item Data Ext Value1 | Str | Value for the Custom field 1 |
Item Data Ext Name2 | Str | Name of the Custom field 2 |
Item Data Ext Value2 | Str | Value for the Custom field 2 |
Freight | Amt | Freight amount on Check, see more on shopping cart fields |
Insurance | Amt | Insurance amount on Check, see more on shopping cart fields |
Serial Number | Str 4095 | The serial number for the item more |
Lot Number | Str 40 | The lot number of the item more |