Import checks into QuickBooks Desktop

Overview of importing checks into QuickBooks desktop

In QuickBooks a check is used to record expenses (via expense accounts) or purchases of items or services when the payment is made at the time of purchase. You can import checks into QuickBooks or QuickBooks Online from text files or from Excel spreadsheets using Zed Axis software.

Steps to import checks

Follow these steps:
  1. Open your QuickBooks company file as Administrator and open Zed Axis
  2. Select your text file or spreadsheet which contains the checks that you want to import.
  3. Set up the a Mapping of the columns in your check import file to the corresponding fields in QuickBooks
  4. Click Import and your checks will be directly added to your QuickBooks company file.
Note: As in QuickBooks when importing a check it should either be associated to an Item purchased or an Expense Account or a combination of both.  You must also set the bank account from which the check is drawn.

Need to import refund checks and apply to a credit memo?

If you need to create a refund of a payment to a customer for a credit then use use the fields for Apply Check to Txn ID (ie the reference number of the credit memo) and Apply Check to Txn Amount in order to apply refund amount to the Credit Memo, you will also need to map the Expense Account to the Accounts Receivable account and the Expense Amount as the amount of the refund.

More help?

For more information about importing checks into QuickBooks, search the Knowledge Base, watch the movies in the Learning Centre, or raise a ticket with Zed Support
Download a sample check import file.

Watch a demonstration of how to import checks

Where the fields appear on checks

Import checks into QuickBooks


Detailed descriptions of the fields

QuickBooks FieldTypeDescription
Account Full NameStr 159Mandatory. Refers to the account from which the funds are being drawn for this check, for example, Checking or Savings. FullName is required
Payee EntityStr 209Refers to the person or company to whom the check is written
Ref NumberStr 11Refers to this transaction and that can be arbitrarily changed by the QuickBooks user
Txn DateDateThe date written on the check
MemoStr 4095The memo that is printed on the check itself
Address Address block
Is To Be PrintedBool (true or false)If IsToBePrinted is true, this transaction is on a list of forms to be printed later
Is Tax IncludedBool (true or false)If IsTaxIncluded is true, this transaction includes Tax (CA, UK, AU only)
Exchange Ratefloatthe market price for which this currency can be exchanged for the currency used by the QuickBooks company file as the "home" currency
Apply Check to Txn IDStrRefers to the Credit Memo so you can create a refund check
Apply Check To Txn AmountAmtThe amount of the Refund Check
Expense Accountstr 159You must include AccountRef if the “Require accounts” check box is selected in the QuickBooks Accounting preferences. (It is selected by default.) Typically this is an expense, asset or liability account. Accounts should be specified as a full name format
Expense AmountAmtA monetary amount
Expense MemoStr 4095Additional information about this expense line.
Expense Customer NameStr 209If AccountRef refers to an A/P account, CustomerRef must refer to a vendor (not to a customer). If AccountRef refers to any other type of account, the CustomerRef must refer to a customer
Expense ClassStr 159Classes can be used to separate transactions into meaningful categories.
Expense Sales Tax CodeStr 3Tax code (CA, UK and AU only)
Expense Billable StatusValues:
Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled
The billing status of this expense line. No default value
Sales Rep FullNameStrName of the Sales Rep as appears in the QuickBooks Sales Rep list
Data Ext Name1StrName of the Custom field 1 read more
Data Ext Value1StrValue for the Custom field 1
Data Ext Name2StrName of the Custom field 2
Data Ext Value2StrValue for the Custom field 2
Item Full NameStr 209An Item is used to track any portion of a transaction that represents the purchase of an goods or services. ItemRef can refer to an item on any Item list. Full name required
DescriptionStr 4095Description of the item
Unit of MeasureStr 31Unit of measure for that item
Cost If both Quantity and Amount are specified, QuickBooks will use them to calculate Cost. Likewise, if both Quantity and Cost are specified, QuickBooks will use them to calculate the total Amount
Item AmountAmt 
Item Customer NameStr 209Refer to a Customer or job, full name
Item Class Classes can be used to separate transactions into meaningful categories.
Item Sales Tax CodeStr 3Tax code (CA, UK and AU only)
Item Billable StatusValues:
Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled
The billing status of this expense line. No default value
Item SalesRep FullNameStrName of the Sales Rep as appears in the QuickBooks Sales Rep list
Item Data Ext Name1StrName of the Custom field 1 read more
Item Data Ext Value1StrValue for the Custom field 1
Item Data Ext Name2StrName of the Custom field 2
Item Data Ext Value2StrValue for the Custom field 2
FreightAmtFreight amount on Check, see more on shopping cart fields
InsuranceAmtInsurance amount on Check, see more on shopping cart fields
Serial NumberStr 4095The serial number for the item more
Lot NumberStr 40The lot number of the item more

Troubleshooting error messages

QuickBooks Error Message: The currency of the account must be either in home currency or the transaction currency.
This error occurs when you are importing a transaction (ie Check) where the currency of the the Accounts Payable account is not the same currency that is used on the Payee or Vendor account in QuickBooks.  Please check that the currencies match. QuickBooks will not permit a check where the currency is different for the AP account and the Payee.
Check RefNumber Empty after import - If after importing checks into QuickBooks the check ref number is empty or says To Print.  This could be because one of the following:
  • The option To be Printed is checked in which case the ref number will appear once this option is deselected or if you map the IsToBePrinted field and set the value to false, or
  • if you are using Auto Numbering and the last Check number in QuickBooks was empty the sequence is not available,
  • finally it might be due to auto formatting feature which can be resolved by following these instructions
Error: Target is not reimbursable - This error occurs when you have mapped either the field ItemBillableStatus or BillableStatus and set the value to Billable but you have not mapped the corresponding ItemCustomer or CustomerName or the customer name you have provided is not recognized in QuickBooks.  In order for QuickBooks to make the charges billable then a valid Customer must be provided.