Do you have any documentation on mass deleting transaction fro both QuickBooks Online and desktop?
Question asked by mike pollastro - 6/13/2016 at 2:51 PM
Hi Strve,
I have been using Zed Axis for adds and it works great. But I added quite a few duplicate transactions (using Axis) and also need to do some data cleanup.
Looked at the forum and the online overview but did not see any documentation on deleting.  Do you have any documentation, hints etc that you can share? Also, any know issues or is the delete function solid?
Mike Pollaatro

2 Replies

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Steve Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi Mike,  There is a support article here on how to delete and some of the restrictions around this feature.
Let me know if you have any more questions after reading that article.
Cheers, Steve.
Steve Batten
Stephen Chua Replied
Hi Steve

I'm  planning  to use Export  &  mass-delete function with QB-Enterprise. Does mass-delete have limitation in range or number of records ?  I'm hoping to  export & delete  then consolidate  pass-years  transactions as  journal-entries to import back to QB.  Does it  help reduce  QB-database in size ?   And  will such exercise  cause any data-integrity problem with QB-data  ?


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