Cannot import invoice if item/SKU under category
Problem reported by Terry Lee - 3/22/2016 at 12:09 PM
I've been encountering error when i try to import invoice into QuickBooks from excel.
If the item is under Category it will give me this error
" New item cannot be created. The name "my item / SKU" of the list element is already in use"
in order to fix this error during import i need to edit the item on my QuickBooks Online inventory by removing the item from a category. 
i'm importing all my ecommerce market place transaction and i track using SKU without the QBO category.It's a nightmare if i need to edit the excel to include the Category on the SKU name. i'm taking about thousand of transaction.
Example of Full SKU/Name with category on QuickBooks Online . "Gadgets:iphonecable-BK"
Example of the transaction SKU exported from market place "iphonecable-BK"

3 Replies

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Steve Replied
Employee Post
Hi Terry,  
Intuit has just implemented a new category feature for QuickBooks Online Products and Services lists.  Only new QuickBooks Online company files (since I think November 2015) and selected existing ones have this new feature in it, they are slowly rolling it out to existing customers.  
It is a big change which has an impact on Axis - we are in the process of updating Zed Axis to accommodate both the old sub items type structure and the new categories. That will be available in Axis v12 which we are working on right now.  
In the meantime any products or services that are part of a category will encounter this error - a workaround is to not use the category feature for the moment until the update is here.  We hope to have that in a a few weeks.
Steve Batten
Ray Chichi Replied
Does this apply to Quickbooks desktop too?
Steve Replied
Employee Post
Steve Batten

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