Having Trouble Importing Group Items to Sales Orders and Invoices
Question asked by Adam Searle - 11/2/2015 at 5:53 PM
To start I would prefer to import the group items into sales orders, but I may settle for importing into invoices. 
Alright I have looked at the help (knowledge base) for this issue and I'm still not getting it to import correctly. I have everything mapped out and when zed is showing the mapping before I start the import everything is in the correct place (i.e. the group item name is under ItemGroupFullName). But when it imports to QB's (running enterprise v16) it comes in as a blank item, blank description, no quantity ordered, no rate, no amount, but it does bring in the amount shipped. But this is all on just one line, meaning that it is not bringing over the items that make up the group. 
If anyone has successfully imported a group item. I would appreciate your help. Thank you. 

3 Replies

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Steve Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi Adam,  
You can import Group Items into Sales Orders and Invoices, so you can choose which suits you.  There is a support article here that describes how to import Group Items as it is quite different from importing standard items.  For example you can only import the Group Item NameQuantity and UOM.  If you want the items that make up the group item to show then in QuickBooks edit the Group Item you are importing and select the option to Print items in group and retry the import the individual items should now appear on the invoices or sales order.
Let me know if that does not work for you.  Steve
Steve Batten
Cyndi Ludwinski Replied
Group item entries into invoices: I have been able to import the group items; however it is not carrying forward the service date or "other 1 mapping" for each group item transaction. Is it possible to pull all that info through at the same time?
Steve Replied
Employee Post
No for Group Items it is only possible to import the Group Item Name, Group Quantity and the Group UOM
Steve Batten

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