Clear Instructions on Import Fields
Idea shared by Jason Matthews - 9/29/2015 at 10:47 AM
In Progress
The mapping for import is EXTREMELY confusing. The fields are not named the same thing as it is in quickbooks. It took me hours to set it up properly. An example i have still not figured out is Customer:Job. I can import the customer into my invoices, but never the job, so then when i change the right job taxes get added (though i have it setup not to) and i have to go line by line to remove the tax.
It would be very helpful if the import Fields were titled what they are in Quickbooks so there isn't so much time spent figuring it out via trial and error.

3 Replies

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You should always import into an Estimate in Quickbooks. From an Estimate you can make Purchase Orders and Invoices. I agree it is time consuming learning how to match up the Import Fields, that part of Zed Axis could be much easier.
Steve Replied
Employee Post
Hi Jason,  
Mapping is the most challenging part of the process, we try to label the fields to match what is in QuickBooks and also described what data is expected.  To assist we have written support articles that you can find in the Knowledge Base in the support portal that define the fields that can be mapped and a detailed description of what data is expected - on many of those articles you will also find annotated screen shots that label the fields so you get a better idea of where the data will appear once imported.
We will continue to try to make the mapping process easier and more transparent and welcome any ideas and suggestions that you think will improve the process.
Many thanks for your feedback.
Steve Batten
Steve, fwiw I found the screen shots in the knowledge base with the fields labeled in red QUITE HELPFUL. I also have had to do some experimentation - put uniquely identifiable text in each field in my import file, and see where that text appears. I'm a ways from production use of zed, but getting there. Thanks, Fred

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