App crashing when updating client file
Problem reported by Meg Brown - 9/28/2015 at 6:07 PM
When I try to update my customer list by right clicking, I used to select "Open in ZedTimesheet." Now the option is "Copy to ZedTimesheet," and when I click this option I am taken to the app as per usual, but it crashes. I open the app again and the client list has not been updated.

4 Replies

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Steve Replied
Employee Post
Hi Meg, We have resolved this problem and are beta testing the update before releasing to the app store
Steve Batten
Wayne Stocks Replied
Any update on this. I had this problem which I finally fixed by deleting and reinstalling the app, now it won't let me export data (crashes after it pulls up the blank e-mail but before I can enter a send to address). I tried to post a new thread, but I am not yet authorized to do that. :)
Wayne Stocks Replied
Just got authorized and posted a new thread for this issue. Thanks.
Steve Replied
Employee Post
The update to the app v2.4.1 is available in the App Store, please update
Steve Batten

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