I have not spoken to Intuit but after many tests I can conclude that the Quickbook process of converting Price Levels to Price Rules only occurs once per Price Level - after which, anything you do with the original Price Level (by switching the Advanced Pricing preference for Price Rules back to Price Levels) only impacts the Price Level and not the Price Rule. Consequently, any imports done in Zed Axis to the Price Level appear to work for ONLY the Price Level- not the Price Rule. I cannot accomplish what I am trying to do because:
1. Quickbooks only converts a Price Level to Price Rule ONCE, and
2. Zed Axis has no access to the Price Rules table (I don't understand why Intuit doesn't allow this!)
Furthermore, I can't export updated Price Rules tables to Excel. This would have at least allowed me to take a current Price Rule and modify all the prices. I could then delete the Price Rule and corresponding Price Level before importing the updated Excel sheet into a brand, new Price Level. Quickbooks would then notice the new Price Level and convert it to Price Rule.
Hope this makes sense, lol. I'd speak in SQL language but I think less people would understand what I was trying to accomplish.