Unwanted imported split Journal entries
Question asked by David A Billings - 6/13/2022 at 6:30 PM
I am using Quickbooks Desktop Pro, and am trying to use Zed Axis to import banking journal entries.  I appear to have the mapping all set up correctly. When I move to import the file, it correctly takes the amount out of the primary account, but then deposits the amount into the secondary account.  But it splits the transactions into two journal entries: one with the amount and the other with no funds in it.  How do I stop from creating "split" entries?

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Steve Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi David, Can you make sure that you have mapped the Doc Number or Ref Number for the journal as that is how Axis groups rows together on the same journal.  Also make sure that you do not have a 0 value in the opposing DR or CR column.

Steve Batten

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