Connecting to QuickBooks - qbXML components have not been installed error
Announcement by Steve - 9/6/2020 at 10:17 PM
Employee Post
Occurs: When connecting Zed Axis to QuickBooks desktop, an error occurs and the message is displayed that Axis is not able to connect due to "qBXML components have not been installed" message.

Cause:  A recent QuickBooks Desktop update (Release 8) September 2020 has caused this error.  We have informed the Intuit Developer relations team (ref 99352) and asked them as a high priority to investigate this as a top priority.  We expect a patch soon and will keep you posted as soon as we hear from Intuit.  

Resolution: If you Run QuickBooks As Administrator and Zed Axis As Administrator then you can connect
Steve Batten

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